AOE not doing any damage past 35m or so

While you are reworking the AoE’s could you look at the reduced damage that mobs take while they are doing AoE’s, I’ve been told this was added in beta because @Logan was soloing what was then the current hardest stuff in the game while lower levelled than intended for those mobs so it got added then to discourage that. Is there any mechanical reason for this to still be a thing? It currently effects all AoE’s which I think is unneeded now, would be good to get other opinions on this


Yeah i really think it should be removed, or at least just for the bosses. It just takes so much time on bosses with very frequent AoE’s.


The pyramid head’s attacks are mainly AoE. While locked in the AoE animation they can’t attack which made them sitting ducks 98% of the time. They take reduced damage while in that animation to balance the fact they can’t attack back.

I personally don’t think the mechanic should be on all mobs because some enemies have such a high hp pool to begin with it just turns tedious and I’m sure there are other reasons for certain enemies to have or not have the mechanic.


I agree. I think that there should be certain enemies that have this enabled and those that don’t depending on how often they are in an aoe animation compared to that of a regular attack.


Also has it been stated that the back end of the damage from AOEs goes far past where the red stops. On boss 1 and 4 you can get killed by AOE that you ain’t not in.

In a patch for Tuesday morning we will have a fix for this Raid Boss 1, 4, 5, and Potion Keeper and Sentry. The AoE should now be precise, affect the entire length of the AoE box, and not hit you outside the AoE. Assuming those fixes work well I’ll fix other known AoE’s that have issues like the Dragon boss tail swipe.

In addition to that you’ll now receive a 2-second “take 50% less damage” buff when teleporting back from facing the solo boss on Raid Boss 5.



I don’t think this will be enough as if you come out with low health (hardmode hurts a lot) then 50% less damage is more than likely still going to kill you if you get hit by the AoE when you come out of the portal

Can you also look at the reduced damage on mobs during AoE, at least for bosses? with the amount of health bosses have and how often they AoE I don’t think they should take reduced damage, or atleast not the amount of reduced damage that they do take especially when you already loose out on damage dodging the AoE, they are technically “vulnerable” while doing the “cast” of the AoE so should take more damage while vulnerable, not less.

If not could you comment on how you envisioned it and that it’s not just an oversight from stopping Logan from being OP

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I agree that a 50% reduction is probably not really solving the problem.

The problem
When I am teleported back from the hell bros room, I have a chance of dying from unavoidable AoE damage before I have a chance to move.

The new problem
When I am teleported back from the hell bros room, If I have less than x% health left, I am going to die from unavoidable AoE damage.

If you want to solve the full problem, why not add 2 seconds immunity instead rather than a 50% damage reduction?

If the worry that immunity can be abused, I don’t see a way to do that if its just 2 seconds.


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I really do not see how that immunity could be abused but if people die due to RNG thats kinda bad. I also support the immunity instead of 50%. I am not sure I would survive that with my mage even with the 50%.

Basically here are your options with this mechanic:

  1. No one dies during the whole fight and you have to use Musketeer Rez on the low chance that it happens

  2. Use health potions before you kill the Hell Bro so you are ~100% HP when returning from Hell

  3. Coordinate with the healers to heal the person coming out to 100% before the AOE hits you

I think the chances are low enough that this shouldn’t be an issue and when it does it will suck but not the end of the world.

Ideally I think there should be something in the code that tells the Boss to not target the person in Hell and when they come out for at least 2 seconds so that the mechanic still happens to the other players.

Technically you also have another option, which is to make sure you never place members of the raid between the boss the hell exit (or behind the hell exit in line with the boss), which is 100% controllable by the players.

You would still have the situation of popping out of hell and being selected for an AE afterwards, but then you have a moment to dodge, plus the 50% reduction if you don’t, not to mention unbending.

I’m good with the fixes as proposed.

Well yeah, our current strategy already does that but that’s not what we are complaining about.

The issue is that when you spawn back, your body appears back before you do and there are cases of lag or load screens when ported back.

Also you shouldn’t have to rely on unbending is bad design IMO. You want to sacrifice tons of extra damage for a fight which you’ve already shown can go 3mins over the enrage mechanic?

And Rangers already have a tough time getting out with enough health to make the 50% reduction worth it.

Ah, sounded like it was both “An AE was already going and I exited into it as it resolved” as well as the “I exited hell, got targeted, and got a lag spike, and was low health and got hit”. If it’s just the latter, that’s gonna be an extremely rare scenario, with unbending being able to easily cover it.

Given the overall amount of damage output from various stacking sources, swapping out a charged strikes for an unbending is an effectively trivial amount of lost damage when you add everything up.

I look at unbending much more as insurance than anything approaching “bad design”. There are countless things that can happen during the 5th boss fight that could result in someone taking a dive, including good ol’ user error, and given the way the mechanics compound, I think it easily makes a case for itself.

Anyway, given that multiple fellowships have successfully defeated the boss with different strats, it’s probably just a matter of preference at this point. I mostly just wanted to chime in to support the dev fixes, as I think they are really solid.

I agree with this and it honestly probably won’t even be an issue, except for when it is.

Also I would like the Devs opinion on EK being able to kite through a 3min 10sec Enrage.
I think this shouldn’t be a thing considering that the Devs don’t want kiting to be a way to avoid mechanics.

I believe you are making some assumptions here, but I am absolutely 100% down to coordinate with the devs on any and all aspects of our 5th boss kills, and if they feel anything approaching exploitative or inappropriate behavior is happening, we’ll immediately address it whatever manner they prefer.

Yeah I assume you kited because I see no other way.

I’m not 100% sure but I think Hamstring and Frost spells are not on the same diminishing return table?
Which I assume is how it was done.

Enrage > Frost Bolt 3 > Kite > Shield Bash > Hamstring > Kite with charge > Repeat?

I just think that an Enrage should be a hard stop, such as a 1 shot global AoE.

I’d be good with this.

Any slowing is on the same diminishing return table. Stunning is on a separate table, though.

My main concern with all boss fights (including Boss 5) is that it shouldn’t be possible to just kite the boss around to where it can never do damage to anyone in the group for a long period of time (e.g. more than 20-30 seconds). Since obviously in most fights that would basically trivialize the fight. So if it’s possible to do that still, please PM me and let me know how you are doing it and I will add in some further changes alongside that.

As for the Enrage, I suppose I could change it so that instead of it being a damage boost for the boss, it’s a straight-up “damage pulse” AoE type effect that just does massive damage to everyone at once. Since yeah pretty much if you hit the Enrage it’s supposed to be game over.

If I did make that change, how would that affect the current status of Boss 4 and 5 on Hard mode?

Boss 4 has an enrage?

(Also, I’ll send you a PM to discuss specifics)

Nothing would change considering the 5th Boss can be done for sure in 14mins 57 seconds.

And Boss 4 has been done in 15mins 59 seconds so assuming 15mins is enrage then it’s not working.