Beta 4 Dragon Racing Feedback

  • The animation reset mechanic is still not working properly
  • As many people reported in the last beta, there needs to be an option to turn the black vision off
  • I’m not sure why the rings are now triangles, personally i prefer the old rings
  • You forgot to put the triangles on Swamp Smash and Swamp Monster, there are still rings
  • The 2 golden rings on Flying High are still placed too low
  • Scav Revenge: I enjoyed the view from the top of the tree, but the hitboxes of the airship are bigger than they should especially the wings, they hit even if i’m waaaay under/above them.

New dragon race in sewer is glitched… you start way far from any rings at all.

Super please let us be able to turn off the black vision thing. I would appreciate a toggle that offers no “help” for motion sickness. The black invades my vision when I do need to look that far up/down/left/right to just follow the rings, nevermind how nice it would be to glance around at how awesome it looks while flying.

I thought the airship was going to knock me out of the sky, but I went right through it.
Very nice view from up there. I’m a big fan of the dragon race designs.


Yep I gotta agree, the black thingy needs an option to turn off, I really don’t like it, that Scav Revenge dragon race has such a nice view and I can’t even enjoy it cause the screen goes dark when I try and look :frowning:

You can still cheat the first parcour with the exact same trick. So I will just post the video again…

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I will add the animations not restarting properly to my list again, we changed to triangles to increase preformance and get the tri count down, ill take another stab at blocking cheesing beginner race (is that the only cheeseable one now?), and will see about giving a toggle for the tunnel vision


Love the random dragons flying around the initial dragon place below Highsteppe! I am stuck on The Beginning dragon couse. It counted down to 0, but I am just floating there. I had completed the Second Chance one first in case that is relevant.

  • I forgot to mention it’s too bright inside the tubes on Second Chance, other zones are fine.
  • The start point of Lich King sometimes gives you the black screen like inside walls
  • The sewer race is impossible to finish today, it looks like you added a wall in the middle of the race