Character Item Relocation

Yeah, another button to reset all anchors to default position seems like a good idea. It’s possible that some bug causes a controller to think it is flying 15 feet to the left while gripping the anchor, leaving it unreachable. It is not a likely situation, but it certainly seems possible. Bonus points if the reset all only applies to anchors for currently equipped items.


+1 for when your spaghetti armed friend moves the the grab-able part too far or the tracking goes and its set 900 miles away from you


Long range Shaman confirmed? :joy:

So there is currently a way to reset a single item by grabbing it and pulling the trigger, but that really only works if the object is within reach to begin with. I’ll see about adding that reset functionality to all active anchors via a settings button.


Can we move stuff like the skill bars or health bars to stay in front of our face like Shaman instead of on your shield/wand/ect.? I have noticed problems with people complaining that they cannot see their health when throwing hammer, ect. Also, I would like the ability move/resize skill cooldowns along with the health bar? These would be some cool future updates that would go a long way for accessibility and customization.

Super stoked for those customization options!

I would also like to propose an option for the shaman health bar and things to be near / at / the belt totems or on the back of the mask equipped hand. Those bars are always in the face with no way to remove unless you unequip shaman itself. The “sheathing” just makes tool belt stuff disappear instead of the totems and those bars. Those bars remain in the face during dragon races (just a little up and left, don’t fully obstruct view) while talking to NPCs (I’ll lean around to move the bars while reading the NPC text) really anything - they’re always there.

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