Class Balancing

If I have a way to prevent others from quitting for the same reasong I did I’m going to do it.

I may be wrong but wasn’t every class made so with skill comes equal DPS? I could most definitely be wrong but in theory doesn’t that make sense?

No. Shaman is limited by cool down time of orbs. Scoundrel is limited by bullet count. Ranger is limited by precision. Mage is the only DPS that isn’t limited in any way besides skill and endurance.

Ran the calculations a few times, with a few different methods… Ended up with finding that refreshing affliction prior to or directly after the triplicity results in higher dps.

0.5 1.029978182 0.953827221
1 1.763083636 1.612970254
1.5 2.465527273 2.397104899
2 3.07152 3.01543538
2.5 3.959738182 3.908517323


pic of calcs - this time I left in numbers so y'all can see as well

Edit: note one more time that this is for the first mage case. Any additional mages will not deal with affliction (or risk lowering other mages’ damages). I don’t think I really need to run those to show you that casting fireball more times gives more damage. But I will if you’d like

just to clarify the difference a good shaman on gorgon can pull about 60k dps? (potted up)
While I only have my own numbers to go on, minatuar/mutated rat (runemage’s best bosses in shards) Pulling 75k. Shaman normally hovers over 45-55kish dps on minatuar and mutated rat if the tank can pull it close enough.

Cam and sift can probably pull a little higher than me on those.

And just to show even more the difference a good ranger does around 40-45k dps on minatuar, while scoundrel would pull 25k dps (that being somewhat high for a scoundrel, the average player base with gear pulling closer to 12-18k dps)

So no, some classes are very capped and dps is not equal across the board. It’s why this topic is in great conversion rn because we all would want dps to be more balanced, and discussing the intricacies of balancing the classes as affecting one small thing might change a lot for a class.


Oh god. Why orbus. Why do you hurt us in the ways. Why can’t we get equal freaking dps. Is it REALLY THAT HARD. Thanks Archive!

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Precisely why we’re here arguing this stuff. No matter which dps class you take, you should be doing some sort of comparable damage based on your skill level. Period.

Oh. All of this wasn’t making sense but now it does

Back to my original point that got hammered off kilter by the mage damage scaling linearly question (which I believe I have now demonstrated to at least a sufficient degree of accuracy):

And more succinctly:

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With average RNG that will be lower I think. can’t remember, good rng of lightning 60k ya. but RNG…

accurate (without bleed luck)

With actually a +4 or 5 gun, the talents selected, not being a dumb ass missing, and something else then xp gear and luck rings and first strike affix that should be more like 40k dps for me. But with practice it could be way higher. no good player spend their fair amount of time in it.

I’m probably poking a hornet nest here, but what if the devs just fixed the broken rune system so you can’t “cheese it”, and actually have to draw the runes as intended? Wouldn’t that put the mage class more in line with other classes?

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That would put mage far behind, which obviously is not where the devs want it to be. It is my understanding that they are content with how the rune system currently works.


This. Pretty sure it was an unintended effect of the way they handle rune identification. But they liked how it turned out and said it was good

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If they wanted to change the rune system they would have changed it during the transition to Reborn. They actually said, “If we added new spells it would mess with the recognition system and ruin all your shortcuts, and no one wants that,” when asked about any new spells.

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“Shortcuts” are the problem. My fist few days in the game and everyone was telling me “oh, don’t do that, just do this.” If easier squiggles are intended, then just change the “look” to represent “the shortcuts”, if fixing the actual system is too much. No matter to me, I don’t play rune mage. :wink:
Just saying, the DPS is out of hand because the system is being abused. But hey, have fun.

They condone it, so we aren’t abusing/exploiting their system at all. They didn’t originally intent for shortcuts to exist, but when they noticed that they did exist, they realized that it was a positive thing and didn’t remove it. (If they “changed” the recognition system so that the MANY shortcuts for every spell were the “intended” methods, there is a strong chance that a lot of them would end up not working). The runemage system is damn near perfect as it is and any change to the recognition would be a detriment to the class.

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Perhaps they could add some “shortcuts” for me so I could fire off impact repeatedly with no cool down! I wouldn’t complain. Cure, too, while we’re at it.

Grow up bro. The shortcuts still take time to learn and master. Try doing a frost 3, affliction 2, or a knockback 2 sometime and then come on here and preach about how much “easier” they make runemage. Newsflash, they don’t make the class any easier, just more efficient (and even more difficult in some cases).

Yea I don’t like the d. I’m so much faster with the B. B like you do that is.

I do both.