Closed Beta Two Feedback Thread

How do you loot the cattails (for runemage quest). I see them all over around the lake but I can’t loot them.

they need to have pointy tips on them, those are the mature harvestable ones.

Another minor bug that just popped up for me, for some reason the left teleport beam started coming out of the back of my hand instead of the fingers. I submitted a bug report.

So use the pick like with the other resources?

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yes you use the pick axe to harvest ore, herbs and even apples.just swing it at the base and it will be added to your inventory.

Yeah i was having the same issue, but it seemed to really happen a lot in the pigmen Forrest

When I cast spells they immediately detonate in my face rather than traveling in any direction.

Is it still doing that after you re-log? What zone are you in?

Yes, I even put it up for the night last night when it started. Logged back in today and it’s still there.

And it’s in high steppe

Okay, according to the server it looks like you’re in the Jungle? Is this on the “Snow” character? You might try doing the Return to Graveyard fix and see what that does.

I was in the jungle when this first started happening. Relogged and I was in town, issue still persistent.

And yes it’s the player snow

Did you do the Rerurn to Graveyard just now? I think you are desynced from the server. What happens when you go into your Player House and cast a spell?

Draven and out group just had a ton of server issues too, going into the 1st dungeon put some of us into a void and those that made it in got put underground in highsteppe after leaving. We just used the item to TP home but somethings up I think.

I don’t think I’ll be able to check.
Wife commandeered the oculus rift.

On the bright side, she likes it so much we will probably buy another copy of the game for her.

I want to say I believe it took me about 50 kills (maybe a little more?) in order to get a new weapon… Plink, plink, plink away for 9 points with my starting weapon… Then I remembered my turret which hits for 36. :slight_smile:

I know, it’s just a beta, but… That wasn’t much fun.

Of course, once I got that, weapons weren’t a problem. :slight_smile: Kill an elite pig? Weapon drops, 1st kill…

Just bad luck getting that first one.

My disconnects were very few yesterday compared to the nonstop Fri sat sun. Elongata even with only 8 people and no lasting vfx made me crash and lag all over. Draven had similar issues but I think he had issues all day. For me it was just elongata

Still can’t see how much funds I have in the market stall or able to withdraw my funds unless I buy something from my stall. I’m not sure if this is a timing thing or not.