Compass speak not working

So the compass speak is not working properly. I hope it to my mouth, it’s colour changes to red, for both party speak and fellowship, but no one can hear me, nor can I hear anyone through it.

Hi, thanks for reporting this issue. Was this the first time you attempted to use these? You mentioned that both modes didn’t seem to work - sometimes there are some issues with voice chat that can be resolved by restarting the game client. Which headset were you using?

No. I’ve had success with it in the past. It’s only been the last few days that the issue has gone from the odd time to happening none stop. I’m using an Oculus Quest.

Yup, audio problems…
Been around for a long time…

I literally just replied in Mic bug new case Apr. 2020

Resume: Constant re-logging by you and people around you is a temporary work around until the dev’s can fix the in-game voice chat.

Might be might not be the case but I had an issue with my Quest where after updating Orbus the permission for Mic has turned itself off might want to check that.

True, sometimes it is that but trust me, you’ll get the other bug too. we alllll do… :slight_smile:

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