Crashes , Crashes , and more Crashes

Am i the only one that has been crashing every 2 mins for the past two days? I am using the Vive .

Barely crashed before the past two days, Now its every time i turn around.

Hey there,

Sorry to hear that you’re having issues! Can you take a look at the instructions in the first post in this thread and send me your output log so I can take a look at what’s going on? Thanks!

Hi Riley_D , Let me start by saying…Awsome Game. and its about time someone made such a great VR MMORPG. That said. I am running the game from steam. I use the HTC VIVE and been running smmoth for the past week till the past two days…I will get you more specs when my wife is off work tonight of my computer…I got a message from the game saying to send my folder 2017… to you. but i dont know how to find that folder, i will have my wife do that for me . most of the crashes are taking me to char select screen. If that helps any…

If you can give me any info on how to send you a better report i would be happy to do so…Keep up the good work…
Best regards …Joe

Hey Joe,

So if you look under:

(Steam Library)/steamapps/common/OrbusVR

(Your Steam Library folder is under C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam by default)

You should see those folders it’s talking about with dates on them. If you can just zip them up (Right-click the folder and hit “Send to -> Compressed (Zipped) Folder”) and email them to me at [email protected] as an attachment I will take a look.

We did roll out a change about two days ago in a patch that involves Static Batching that could be the problem, although I haven’t heard from anyone else having issues with it since we put it out.

That said, if what’s happening is you are getting sent back to the login screen, and the whole game isn’t just closing and giving you a “VRClient.exe has stopped responding” error, then it sounds more like a disconnect issue. Still, the logs should hopefully help us figure it out.


TY, I will have her get that info out to you as soon as she can.

Meanwhile, back to the game:)

I will try the Beta branch out, maybe i will have more luck:)

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