Daily events quests take too much time

To complete the Lamavora essence mine daily quest you have to complete the quest 5(?) times.

If you expect that the 5 tokens you get every day should be regarded as ‘daily completably’ quests, then I think it is ridiculous to expect someone to do an event 5 times to complete one of them. If we look at how often an event appears (let’s say roughly every half an hour to simplify things) it is expected that a player hangs around for 2 1/2 hours to complete one daily quest which for your standard casual player is not realistic in any shape or form.

I believe all the other ‘daily quests’ that you can get with tokens are the same as they are just repeats of quests completed.


I did this quest by camping at the site, logged out, and logging in hourly, sometimes later if I missed it starting, so finishing took basically all day… wondered as well if one and the same event has to be done that often.

I think the daily quests should not be taken necessarily as to be completed daily. They’re basically the same as the normal quests, just randomly given to you. Not an issue to have them in inventory for longer…


Yeah completely agree with Altropos. There are tons of daily quests and your only limit on them is you can’t have multiple of the same one. I don’t see an issue with the system.


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