Different pet options

I sort of wish we could have other options for pets. Don’t get me wrong, I love the dragons, but there are.other critters I would adore having follow me. They wouldn’t even have to give bonuses or do anything, just follow me around. I think the Soul Keeper’s minions are precious and would adore having one of my own.

That being said, I completely understand why it would be easier of the devs to just have one type of pet. Just wishful thinking :slight_smile:


These too…

Oh, and a fireball/light spell familiar that sits over my shoulder taking up the pet slot, perhaps? :wink:


We are actually already in the process of doing this: Windup Necro Boss

Ohhh, how precious! You guys rock!

I need a little Obnobi Goober Lizard!:heart_eyes:

He’s just sooo cute!:heart_eyes:



Dae, is the one on the left glazed ceramic? Because those look awesome!

Both are polymer clay, but yes there is a little glaze on one


I’m sure you could sell a few of those to be honest :wink:

I have my own kiln, I just need to get a power plug for it cuz it’s kinda big. Once I do that, I would love to start sculpting again. I have so much fun messing with clay and glaze.


No joke… Hey Dae, would you be willing to make and sell one? x : No worries if not, lol.

Not at the moment, currently away from home, but maybe later once RL gets settled down then I might look into permissions and whatnot.

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