Equipped Weapons Invisible / Frozen Fishing Pole


My character “Ophiouro” was last accessed prior to Reborn update -

I cannot see any of the weapons I equip and my left hand / arrows disappear (get stuck activated but invisible) even with bow on my back… If I reach for my fishing pole - my left hand disappears as well. The fishing pole on my character cannot be unequipped or destroyed and I cannot swap my weapon to my left hand either. Also, my equipped weapon can only be replaced with another weapon (not unequipped into inventory).

Tried Reinstalling game - no luck. New character works fine… Was hoping to not lose the 10 hours or whatever I put into Ophiouro but I’ll start fresh for now. Any way I can just have my other characters stuff if this can’t be fixed easily?

Thanks for all of the hard work and beautiful game.

There are no longer arrows for the ranger, just grab the string and pull it back.

These are normally fixed by restarting

This is how it has always been.

it does sound a bit like they had the fisherman equipped last in old orbus and since fishing is no longer it’s own class it would break a bit like this.
@Riley_D should be able to fix it tho if that is the case

Hi, we should be able to fix it in the next hour - I pinged the others devs and we’ll let you know when your character is straightened up.

Make sure you’re logged off until we mentioned it is fixed. Thanks and sorry for the issues.


Should be fixed now.


Thanks for your lightning fast response time.

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