Fishing Lure QOL Improvements

While fishing, lures should make a sound effect when broken and the object should disappear automatically. This will be a cue to stop fishing and re-quip a lure.

In it’s current state, fishing poles will continue to “work” while the lure is what most people would consider destroyed. The only issue is you will never catch any fish and not know why.

There is also no way to repair lures, and must manually destroy each and every hook.

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If the lure is empty then when you cast it will automatically return to the rod and give you a pop up message that you need to equip a lure.


This message didn’t appear for me. I fished for a good 10 minutes on an empty lure.

Did your lure not appear as an empty hook? It was still showing bait on it?

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I’ll have to get back to you on that. I don’t remember.

Pretty sure it always shows empty lure atm for me.

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