Fishing lure's ingredients

Do you feel like the reeling is overall working differently, or like it’s because you’re having to reel so much or so fast without the gear you had on before affecting line strength etc?

It’s not as bad using the second rod, I think it might just be reeling in too slow compared to the amount you need to turn the reel using the lower rods so it likely could be that, fishing feels a lot slower right now, I’ll go do a little testing and see how many fish I can get in 1 fishing pot with each rod and then I’ll have a good idea compared to the old fishing with the gear

Do you know how much rep level 20 fishing will get me?

I don’t think we’ve fully decided yet. On the one hand it took a ridiculously long time to earn Level 20 in Fishing in the old game. On the other hand I don’t really want to just start anyone off at like level 6+ Rep or something. So probably it will be something like 1 rep level for each 5 levels earned (e.g. 0-4 is nothing, 5-9 is Rep 1, 10-14 is 2, 15-19 is Rep 3, 20 is Rep 4) or something like that.


Sorry had visitors but coming on now if you’re still around

I’m outside the house on my alt now, I sent you a message on discord cause it’s a bit better than on these forums

Is the rod the only thing that matters now for fishing? Does strength and intellect potions affect fishing still?

That’s a bit disappointing, I’m Rep level 4 on the beta now and hit a stone wall waiting for more missions to get rep up, really want to check out them transmogs and that last rod xD

Using the beginner Rod I just pulled up 47 catfish in 20min fishing potion, in the old game I would get around 60-65 in 1 potion while watching netflix and not fully focused on the fishing which I wasn’t doing just now on the beta, I will go test with the other rod now

Strength potions still work from what I could tell anyway

So I just did it with the Strengthened Rod and got 48 lol I did have a few bad throws then though

Edit: Just went back and did the Strengthened rod again because I wasn’t happy only getting 48, got 50 this time so I guess it’s a little faster but not by much, it does however feel a little better on the wrist somehow

Due to not having fishing gear, with aged int pot we’re only getting 1 nibble per lure most of the time when testing waters to find the fish which change location, this is just ridiculous, can you have a look in to it and fix it a little please?

@Riley_D I know the plan was to have the fishing rod determine the fish you catch, but can you confirm whether int, str, or luck potions have any influence on fishing in Reborn. I’ve used a few potions when fishing and really couldn’t see a difference.

We haven’t made any changes to the stats that affect parts of fishing in Reborn, it’s exactly the same.

Intellect affects your chances of getting a fish to bite (e.g. you should be able to catch more fish on the same lure), which is also what the Fish Scent potion does. Strength makes it easier to reel in fish. Luck increases your chances of catching two fish at a time.

It doesn’t look like Intellect has ever affected your chance of getting a “nibble” notification for figuring out bait; my guess is it’s just been a long time since you’ve had to figure out what is where and it’s just a slow process? But that makes some sense so I will increase the chance based on Int in the next patch.

In regards to fishing gear, it’s a little weird now because we can’t give you Str or Int on the Fishing Rods since they are tools, otherwise everyone will just equip those during combat. So probably we will just keep it as-is since there’s already an established meta around Int/Str for fishing, but now it will just come from your weapon.

i got a lot of shit for fishing with the wrong hand, but if you hold the rod with youre left hand the text you get is backwords. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for clarifying. Yeah, you are spot on, it has been a while since I have had to figure it out what is where. Not sure why I thought int affected chance of nibble. Thanks for making the change.

It says so on Orbus Free Press:

Not sure why it says that there if it wasn’t the case…

Ummmm well it used to and I did forsure get more than 1 nibble per lure before

Intellect increases the likliehood of receiving “nibble” alerts, which will be vital to helping you track down where the rare fish are located

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I guess we’ll chalk it up to “maybe it did at one point”, but at any rate, as I said it will again in the next patch if it ever did.


Haha! Thanks! :wink:

That should be live now.

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well the old bug making the fish text inverse on left handed ppl is back too. I guess you brought over older code for fishing to reborn. which also didn’t have the intellect change in it? :man_shrugging:

Will you be tweaking the alignment of the rod to your hand? Oculus dash shows off quite well how “off” it is, it would be good to be angled up a bit more and slightly to the left, tried to get a few screenshots to show