Fix PvP This is Completely Unfair!

I am sick and tired of being killed before I can even see another player!!! Paladins can throw their hammers from out of range and get hits on you before you even see them, rangers and mages can attack you from outside of your visual areas and then they laugh in your face bc they know you have a Quest and tell you to get better equipment.

Their are some PvP players that are complete assholes and know exactly the perfect range to do this from. I swear to god if this is fixed I am going to quit playing this game and put as much negative press out about it as I possibly can… This is also a reason that a number of other players have quit already!!! Why dont you fix this!!!

Their are new Bully Fellowships that team up on un guilded players just to continuously take their items… Im so mad right now and am sick of being unfairly preyed upon!!! If the fields were equal than whatever, but they aren’t!!! It really makes me wish that I was physically in front of these particular people


So you want to quit? :thinking:

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1: I wasn’t out of range. I was pretty much directly behind you, as a Scoundrel. I had enough time to cycle through my deck to get a good card combo.
2: Don’t go out and about with PvP on if you don’t want to drop your stuff. Especially if you’re just farming for ore? Just turn it off.

The quest rendering issue is an issue, yes, but had nothing to do with what just happened to you.


Lol, I was also on the quest. Learn to pvp, you lack awareness of your surrounding.


im pretty sure im the only paladin who can throw a hammer that far, and if its flying that far and then hitting u, u just walked into it
plus i havent played in months

This is the first time LC isn’t blamed for something pvp related. Don’t ruin it lol


I never threw my hammer at you. You were facing a wall, I walked up behind you and attacked


Glad to see this game has an active PvP community :grin:


you were hiding behind a wall out of bounds liar

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ya then you stopped attacking me after our conversation and called another one in from your guild that u were on discord with to come in from a wall behind me after I had been working for 35min

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Miscka comes out of a wall from behind me in the cave from out of bounds and came in at such a distance that I could never see them enter the cave… and then laughed like a duesche bc he knew we had talked bc yall were on discord together… youre just a bunch of bullies with your fellowship built out of traitors of Elves

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I haven’t logged into Orbus in months lol

Edit: Oh I see you meant Loganator. We’re two different people


Damn man calm down. You had your PvP on and got ganked. It happens sometimes. Just have to learn to live with it, or turn your pvp off :man_shrugging: .


lack aeareness of peopel hding from outside of the bounds of the game? wow good point!! and you all just have better gear bc you have a massive fellowships backing you to carry yall through to get better gear… if I had one it be the same and Burnator u have gear from the old orbus so thats a lie (Reborn came out Before the Quest and you have Preborn gear)

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That’s entirely untrue. I ran behind the rock you were sitting by. I ended up out of bounds after jumping after shooting you in case you had survived. At that point I was completely clueless as to where I was.

I’d like to think that with all the videos and time I put to helping newer players, I’m the least likely to be called a bully lol. A good 75% of my time in Orbus is helping newer players. We’re not bullies because we PvP’d somebody who had PvP on while out in the world. I was never part of the elves lol

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you’re a liar you shot me through the wall from behind me and there was no way for you to come from behind me considering I was on the wall untill you shot me through the wall I turned around saw the wall you jumped behind me into the playing grounds and continued… lie as you want you are all still traitors to the elves

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sorry I meant Loganator

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

This discussion is completely inappropriate, and we’ve shut down threads in the past for just being PvP arguments and flamewars at each other.

The points I’ll respond to is these - we are aware of the issue for rendering distance on Quest and how it’s inconvenient in PvP and we’re tracking it.

Obviously if someone is being more than rude and harassing verbally in the game, then report them. That’s not part of being a PvP player.

If someone has evidence that someone else is purposefully exploiting the game to gain an advantage in PvP, then they can send us a PM with that evidence and we can investigate. (We’ve taken actions in the past over this too.)

Any other type of thread or post made to just insult or attack specific players or fellowships is not something appropriate for these forums.