Grinder kill counter

It’d be neat if the grinder had some sort of counter on it, perhaps when you hover over it in your inventory?

Very late edit: The Grinder works based on I believe the percentage of the kill you get, the same way you get XP. This is just speculation, but after some testing (having two people in a party, and one person not in the party, with the two in the party doing almost all of the damage), I’ve come to this conclusion. The percent of a “kill” you get with the grinder you get is how much you get towards your grinder. With this being the case, I could see how a counter would be hard. The best way to solve this would be to have some sort of simple visual clue on the actual model of the grinder, like a feint glow that gets brighter and brighter the closer it gets to popping, and also having a percentage gauge when you hover over it in the inventory, similarly to missions.


I agree…

Semi-User friendly work around: I usually keep my log file open while grinding so that I can check how many more I have to go.


yes , or have the orbs surrounding the rim light up progressively to give you a rough Idea.


I would kill for a counter!


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