Hard Mode Foil Armor discussion

I think there is a pretty good chance there might be an underestimation about how much cool looking gear is a motivator to actually play the game.


Yeah I am still extremely sad that there is so much disconnect between gear and progression in comparison to the old game. It would have been so much better to make overworld gear drop from specific areas/lvls instead of randomly all overworld styles on all lvls. It was great in the normal game except for the lack of linearity (lvl 1-12 the same gear for some reasonā€¦) which I hoped would have been fixed instead of thisā€¦


This mount is unusable for shamans. Due to the bug of mount still appearing while in combat the horse blocks the orbs.
I did the hidden quest for nothing apparently.

Ya thatā€™s another thing, I have that also as mage thats why I stopped using it, but the way it looks is still good


That mount is just funny. But is annoying for every class, not a Shaman only problem xD


my stand corrected after reading these responsesā€¦

gear progression =
p r o g r e s s i o n ā€” i n d i c a t o r s :3


This would have been such a simple thing to do as well:

  • Salvaged gear from Highsteppe
  • Defender gear from Rainforest and Lamavora
  • Bravery Gear from Hulthines and Wastelands

Clear gear progression, would give the feeling of leveling up as you go even with scaled mobs


and donā€™t level scale gear.

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Any sort of ETA of when my fat head will fit?

i dont see any issues with this

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I think you look great

I was kidding

If u move the flat part of the helmet sticking out below the 2 spikes down to ur mouth u will look like a horned duck


Get rid of foil and bring back the Red Tails. The people have spoken


also going to throw out the fact that the assumption that only 1% of the player base is going to get hard mode gear is flat out wrong.

the current active playerbase has not peaked above 100 in a long time, and the current average peak time player count is around 80. meaning that if only on average when a team of 10 completes a raid they make up over 10% of the total online player count

as for not concurrent average but actual total active players %, there would need to be 1000 players who consistently log on for it to be 1% of the player base who does hard mode. BUT thats only if one group is capable of completing hard mode. there are probably around 50 people who can do hardmode successfully(50 people without including other people being carried through the raid), meaning that there would need to be 5000 people at endgame to make these 50 people 1% of the player base.
I would be extremely surprised if there was more than 200 people regularly doing endgame(the number is probably sub 100) meaning that at the highest 25% of the population are able to complete hard mode.

so, in conclusion, 25%(atleast) now have no reason to do hardmore other than invisible stats :+1:

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Iā€™m only doing the HM raids to hang out with my friends. I couldnā€™t care less about stats, the raid doesnā€™t feel as epic as the original OrbusVR raid did, the gear doesnā€™t even look cool, etc. There is literally nothing keeping me playing the game besides the friends that I have made playing it, and it really makes me sad to say this (because of my love for the original), but I just donā€™t like playing the game anymore. When a new VRMMO comes out the player base is most likely going to plummet unless some major changes are made, but I just donā€™t see it happening (because people have been voicing their opinions on a lot of the things that suck about the game right now and it seems that it has all been ignored).

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The good thing is there wonā€™t be another vrmmo for at least a few years, so the devs here have a while to come up with stuff people enjoy

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I like the foil look, but thatā€™s because I generally try to look as ridiculous as possible :slight_smile:

This game has gone to hell real quick. WTF happened?