Jitter and mage drawing

Hello, I have recently problems jitter with the mage. When I draw a rune it vibrates a lot. As a result, spells are difficult to cast and fail more often than usual (I am a mage since oldbus with many hours on it).

In addition, when I put my wand with the rune in front of me it stops moving.

An idea of what can cause this and especially solve the problem?

Je suis Français donc je met aussi la traduction FR ^^

Bonjour, j’ai depuis peu des problèmes de jitter avec le mage. Lorsque je dessine une rune celle ci vibre énormément. Du coup les sorts sont difficile à lancer et échouent plus souvent que d’habitude (je suis mage depuis oldbus avec de nombreuses heures dessus).

En plus, lorsque je range ma baguette avec la rune devant moi celle ci arrête de bouger.

Une idée de ce qui peut causer ça et surtout régler le problème?

It seems to be an issue more ppl had in the past and even in old Orbus. Not reproducible and thus very hard if not impossible to fix for the devs. The problem should disappear over time/location and maybe come back :man_shrugging:

Is it like this?:

Yeah this got reported already multiple times, but I think they didnt say anything about that problem so far or?

They responded to it once but that was 1.5 years ago.

Edit: No response needed though. It is just not fixable until someone comes with more useful info. That is why I proposed in the past someone holding their journal next to the spells to check if it is only the drawing.

That corresponds to that and yes I had seen the post dating back a year and a half. But it seemed less to me with Reborn.

And I find that it has deteriorated greatly with the arrival of the last patch, while the mages have no change in the patch.

What information is needed? I can say where I am, provide my nickname, my logs (if I’m told how ^ ^) … When 3 out of 4 afflictions do not work (on average) or are transformed into fireball 1 since the maj I find that 'there is a problem. I am the only one to find a difference between before and after the patch?

And I want to clarify that for me it trembles while we are creating the rune, not only after creating it. This is easily seen, just create a rune slowly and we notice it immediately

unless you rely heavily on visually seeing the rune as you’re drawing it, this shouldn’t affect your spells, it’s just a visual thing and doesn’t actually change the drawing in any way.

I do not know what affects my spells but oddly my success rate has dropped since the patch. It was while searching why I saw these vibrations. Simple spells (fireball 2, frostball 2) are only slightly affected (but affected anyway), the more elaborate spells (affliction 2) are much more affected.

I primarily play mage, and I get this bug too. For folks who don’t get this it happens as you are drawing…the line just zigs and zags all over. Like literally in random lines across the screen. It doesn’t happen all the time.

I got it in OG orbus all the way through, so it isn’t just the new patch. I don’t know what causes it, but if I get it the only thing that fixes it is a complete reboot of my machine. 100% it is always fixed if I do this.

I thought in OG that it might be related to my tracking system (I was brand new to VR at the time) but that isn’t it. I’ve gotten the problem after hours of completely smooth play without touching a thing or moving myself from my chair.

I believe the problem is related to the Rift itself after running too long in Orbus. I don’t get this issue playing other games though (thanks Orbus for the VR comas!). you don’t need to reboot, you can restart your oculus rift in the oculus settings and this works for me too.

First of all thank you for all these constructive answers.

I’m in classic vive HTC, before posted I restarted my PC several times, uninstalled the game, changed my USB port my headset, checked my sensors (just in case).

I’m at work there so I can not check but it seems to me that I’m in beta (the one Ryley is talking about in this post Mage Spells not casting).

I did not think to check if the scene moved also when I had the wand in hand and I was at the public event of Wasteland (side population I was quiet XD) but I had the problem to others places (Crystal cave, rainforest …)

I have at least 200 hours of mage play (at least) and I have not had such a low success rate in a long time. That’s why I allowed myself to post, wondering if I was the only one in this case. I am reassured but unfortunately the solution proposed by does not work for me.

I will not qualify as supermage but still competent mage XD

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