Level 10 Shard Cleared?

You guys surely worked hard for it and should be proud. ABC had 120 runs when you guys cleared T10, while EK was stuck at T8 with 60 runs. So yeah, lot’s of time investment from you guys and grats again.


I had a reminder of that yesterday when we cleared a T4 lab under 15 minutes and was so happy when we got a T6 lab. I thought it would be easy since we just manage the T4 under 15 … gosh I was wrong. We called it when mobs started re spawning.

The mist-keeper 1 shot bug + sickness mutation made it impossible to run no matter what strats we tried.

We called it a day after getting that since we got 6 T5+ crypt that day and that was the cherry on the top.


What a fight it was, I was enjoying it a lot (though I gotta be honest I enjoyed the level 9 jungle shard more, it also felt like a better run for us overall). Its just a shame I got 150 drams on level 9 and J got 150 dram on his level 10 shard himself, so unlucky but such is life (where -> life = Orbus)! :smiley:

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Herzlichen Glückwunsch! :slight_smile:

Danke! :slight_smile: (20characters xD)

Big congratulations to you guys. You all have the most shards cleared by a wide margin. Everyone knew the first t10 was likely to go to whoever got a steady run of easier shards at the toughest levels but that doesn’t discredit your grind to get that shard to line up. If you had gotten it in half the shards of the shard leader id give you heat about it, but that’s not the case. Again congratulations!


yeah its tough… we really tried hard with sickness… it is just insane.

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You can actually sort the data table by clicking on the headers, and if you hold down shift, you can multi-sort it. That should work in the mean time before I come up with some sort of a search feature

First we tried to put in a level 9 rainforest to start clearing… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqPQnXtyVEY

Level 9+ was locked! we could not :frowning: . But then after waiting a bit whilst level 9+ was unlocked we managed to get to 10!

Vid here; https://youtu.be/dLgpnb0aveY

@Riley_D note that the lag in the instance caused me to fail spells a lot on trash.


I completely understand you guys had a good group that was going well but I know I would have been compelled to hold on to the shard until the next day so I could get my drop.

we were in the flow man :smile:. gear is just a means to completing the next hardest content (for me atleast). i didnt really think about it.

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yeah I was thinking the same, loot is better but not such a game changer for me. The glory of battle was spurring me on!

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