List of bugs and glitches i have come across

Here is a list of glitches and bugs i have come across while playing the game. I have been playing for well over 100 hours. Some of these are entirely game breaking, while some are pointless to patch. I will include anything and everything i consider to be a ‘bug’ or a ‘glitch’.

There are quite a few features missing from the game that would be drastic improvements, but i will save that for another post.

• Audio bug (Biggest bug in the game IMO)
So there is little chance this is not known. But sometimes when logging into the game, the microphone system in place is not initialized. So what ends up happening is you cant hear others, or others cant hear you or both. This is a pretty major issue in the game and requires constant relogging. This also seems to happen when entering a dungeon??? (needs confirmation)

• Weapon bug
This one i have personally only happen with the mage. I do not have much info on how to reproduce this, so sorry for that. The issue is that mages are unable to draw when they try to draw a rune with a wand. This is not fixed by changing classes, sheathing and re-wielding the weapon or anything. I could not even log out (SAO INTENSIFIES) and had to close the game forcefully and re-launch it to fix it. I believe i have seen others have this issue with other classes, not being able to deal damage.

• Vendor bug
This one is fun! Simply buy something from a vendor that has potions with particles on their stand in the underground market and the particles will MULTIPLY every time you purchase something. This can be reproduced by going to the vendor that sells runemage reagents. Upon purchasing ~5 reagents frames drop significantly. Any more than 30 would probably crash your game.

• Teleport pillar bug
This one is a tad upsetting as a mage. I am unable to see the teleport inscriptions on the teleport pillars. This appears to happen mostly upon first stumbling upon a teleport pillar for the very first time. No inscriptions in sight. Relogging does not fix it either, but eventually i believe, it does show (perhaps after relaunching?).

• Floating sorcerer model bug
This is kinda a minor one, but nearly got me killed a few times, so i would address it as it feels like a simple fix. The sorcerer that floats (can be found at the portal event in highsteppe???) has a model that covers the name of their action. I cannot tell what they are casting when they are casting it, so i dont know if i have to prepare a decurse, move out of the way or what. I dont actually know if it happens to the ones near the highsteppe portal, but definitely happened to me in the flooded rain forest near the ambassador horne dude.

• Icelance cooldown bug
Simple one, grabbing the compass of your chest immediately after casting icelance remove’s its cooldown. Doesnt really seem useful to be honest, and doesnt seem like it really needs patching. (May work with other spells)

• Runic speed bug
It doesnt work. The Runic speed talent for mages does not add speed to any spells. At the very least not fireball 3 or frost 3, but me and another mage have tried quite a few spells to check. This was recently posted about.

• Mage cast orientation
Looking straight up wont cast any spells, i tried laying down and casting upwards and it just doesnt work. I can cast quite well, at least 2 frosts a second for example, but was never able to cast once while laying down looking upwards. Perhaps this happens downwards as well, but needs further testing.

• Map collision bugs
Gonna sum this up by saying there are quite a few areas in the game that dont have collisions, and some areas that do have too big of collisions/random collisions.

• SAO bug
Cant log out. Spoopy. Anyways, this was covered in the Weapon bug but sometimes you cannot log out. Particularly frustrating when trying to fix another bug.

• Pushback 2 representation
Pushback 2 seems to be mis-represented in highsteppe. The only times the 3 with the circle around it works is when the detection is buggy and accepts it which can take a hundred+ casts. It does not actually appear to be correct. Simply put, no-one casts this spell as it is represented on the pillar. This could be due to a lack of practice and skill, but i find that unlikely as i can cast all other spells in the game with great consistency and speed. I have also yet to meet anyone who has cast it as it is portrayed. I have spent a minimum of 60 hours practicing spells, between the demo and full game. With many more hours in real combat.

• Mount bug
Sometimes mounts go in the ground and cannot be seen. I think this happens when you sit down and use the mount? Re-using the mount does not fix it. Just something i wanted to include, as it can be difficult to tell if you have it out or not.

• Mage special ability bug
The mages special ability does zero damage and randomly casts if you put your wand on your back and pull both triggers (on vive). I believe the steps to reproduce are have the special meter full, but your wand on your back, pull both triggers at the same time and release, then pull the wand back out. Whether or not the spell always does zero damage need further testing, but has happened at least a few times to me and friends.

• Death timer bug
Uncertain about this one, but the ‘10 mins’ above a player’s head when they die appears to always be there. A player can have the ‘10 mins’ text above their head and i can still revive them, if they have not been revived recently. This also does not appear to go down like a timer when it should. This is either a misunderstanding by me, or a bug. Needs further testing.

• Controller initialization bug
This happened to me a few times, but hasnt happened recently. Using the Vive and SteamVR, launching the game sometimes the game will not recognize that i have controllers and wont track them. This could be due to launching the game while in the steam menu? Relaunching fixes this.

There are certainly quite a few bugs in the game, no doubt i have missed many. I hope to have provided good steps to reproduce in a readable format. Thank you for your continuous work on the game.

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This is one of the most known bugs in the game and I don’t think the devs will be fixing it anytime soon. This has been a problem since the very beginning of the game and has only gotten very slightly better.

Activate your super (press down both triggers simultaneously) to fix this one.

Not all teleport pillars have runes attributed to them. Only one per zone, unfortunately. Are you sure this isn’t the issue?

I’m able to cast in any direction including upside down. It’s extremely finicky and requires relearning your muscle memory, which is different when laying in different positions. Think back to when you were a beginner mage, that’s basically what happens to you when you try that.

Are you stuck in combat? Killing mobs generally fixes this, but if it doesn’t fix it, you are forced to close the game and reopen it (since you can’t log out while in combat). You can try the stuck combat button, but that hardly ever works.

This only ever happens in Highsteppe or any other area with a walkable area directly underneath it. This is just how the game’s movement system works (it hardly worked at all when they first added it in the betas, however they found a semi-working workaround). The best way to tell you have a mount out is to check for the wings on your buff/debuff area.

This is actually a bug with all spells like icelance. If you put your wand away right after using icelance or your super, it will act like it does the spell again, but it’s just a visual bug. What you described is you essentially wasting your super and getting a simple visual bug after the fact.

I’ve practiced about 600 hours and I know I’ve not mastered the class yet. And I’m considered one of the “good” mages. The pillar is in-fact very accurate to how its supposed to be cast.
There are also many other spells that are not in highsteppe area.

10min timer will turn red when they’ve already been revived.

Those are player stalls and most people use the auction house to buy unless it’s something like a goblin token to buy (which then needs a direct look at the stalls instead of just using auction) so I believe this is something that hasn’t been tested throughly before.

This isn’t a bug, it’s an animation cancel, or “cancel”.

Cody explained this pretty well but it’s based on headgaze for the point system check so it’s just being able to cast at such levels. This is also why most 3D casts such as Frost 3, Fireball 3, and knockback 2 require correct headgaze when drawing the 3D lines.


Alot of these aren’t bugs, anyway Cody already has a megathread which contains like a hundred bugs that haven’t been fixed

this is not how it should be tho, in old orbus there would be a timer actually going down from 10 min when someone who had already been resurrected died and be no timer or text at all when you could be resurrected.
now it says 10 min all the time, didn’t know about it turning red tho, you sure it’s actually working like that and hasn’t just been a coincidence?


yeah i’ve noticed that it has a red outline everytime when theyve been revived before

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This is definitely news to me! It hasn’t been working right (timer used to count down) since Reborn

i can definitely go try and test it

Oh, no - I mean I was keeping track by just trying to remember who was rezzed and when. I do recall seeing it white on some people and red on others, so it’s a nifty trick while we don’t have a real fix :sweat_smile:

So about this, normally you can just logout. It can be the following: When you are stuck in combat it gives you a logout timer that you can see on top. If you don’t attack anything the logout timer will not disappear and you will eventually logout. But I am pretty sure it is something else and you probably already knew that. I think it is a desync. Your client has been disconnected with the server, that is why you are also not able to cast spells anymore. This will kick you out of any feedback of the game like trying to logout, so you have to force restart the game. I have had this bug multiple times. Mostly in raids.


What do you mean a lot of these arent bugs? A minimum of nine of these are absolutely bugs. Im not going to type why these are all bugs, but they are really self explanatory.

If you dont think multiplying particles, weapons not working, talents not working and controllers not being detected etc. as bugs what are bugs?

Ice Lance isn’t bugged, not all pillars have runes, only a few,
And the biggest bug in the game is by far constant desyncs

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I never said ice lance was bugged? Only that you can grab the compass to bypass ice lances cooldown. Also, yes not all have the inscriptions, but the ones that do dont show up.

My bad misread

nah they probably didn’t mean to say bug tho

Hi, we appreciate the feedback. Some of these we’re definitely aware of and they’re on our list to fix, and we’ll make a note of these others.

Regarding the Teleport pillar thing, does it show up if you back up say… 20 feet away from the pillar and go back to it? In my experience the times that happens it usually causes them to show up.

I think some of the other issues like drawing with the mage, and not logging out were because you were desynced (and we’re looking at the causes of this.)


Thank you a lot for replying, i am not sure if backing away and reproaching resolves the issue with the teleport pillar. I believe i was on low settings at the time (I mostly play on low), which may have rendered a low LOD even when i was right next to it? Should i come across this again, ill do further testing.

The teleport pillar bug may only occur when teleporting to a pillar without first discovering it by foot, as is what happened the few times i recall.

Just before being unable to log out, i was sitting just outside of highsteppe with some new players teaching them spells, it may have something to do with combat seeing as we fought a few mobs. I was not ‘in combat’ at the time, or at the least i was not slow from combat.

For mage weapon bugs I found that pressing both triggers to do your ultimate works around it in most cases.

95% of the time, also works when scoundrel gun gets jammed I think

With scoundrel gun I usually put it away and pull it back out, and that does it 90% of the time.
Oddly opening the interactive map and then closing it again has worked every time so far.