Loot distribution system - Not group friendly

Hahaha so true so true Riley, I am very excited for the dungeons coming out. I do have a high tolerance for banging my head against walls and spiders and such though for hours straight. Im just a loot whore. I want it all.

I really wish I could just quit my job and full time orbus really.


According to my quest log I’ve killed ~ 420 aberrations and have spent 20+ hours farming world bosses, and I have zero capes, zero gloves, four swords, two rings, three chest pieces, one helm, two or three shoulders, which seems about right. Also got pretty good at aberrations in the meantime. Never focused purely on spiders, but saw a couple mage duos pretty pleased with their results. Thought it was working as intended.


I am really glad to read this post from Fern. I see posts where people are citing all these concerns about mechanics but Fern is always there to reassure me that everyone else is just bonkers and everything is right with the world.


I spent 7 hours today farming aberrations straight in greater desert.

Not a single person got an epic drop. Not one. That was a lot of aberations killed. We saw 2 blue drops and maybe 6 worms. It’s like a 1% drop chance. lol

Muh spiders ;_;

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Yeah, playing a runemage, I thought this was intended as well, since it is still hard to kill the giant spiders. Dont get me wrong, I can solo some abberation groups that dont have a jump on the runemage, but it is extremely difficulut and one missed spell will get me killed. So in that sense it is much better to be in a party because it is so slow solo and risky to lose all your gear. Also I thought that the spiders were there for the solo/duo players that didn’t want to farm in a big group. In my timezone from work, literally no one is on. I’m lucky to get a duo partner to do anything. I havent done any world bosses because no one is online that can do them at the time. I know the player base will grow, and so will the amount of people on at my time, its just a bummer that being solo because of timezone is making it hard for us night players to farm endgame content. Im looking foreward to the mines, but I have doubts that i’ll be able to do them solo so I don’t know if i’ll be able to participate in this. Having said that, i thought it was cool that the solo players had spiders to do since soloing abberations is a bit difficult…


I know I know …

I love spiders :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


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