Monthly Fee suggestion

If not going the subscription route, which I agree, could remove some of the playerbase, I think they could solve a lot of minor issues by implementing certain features behind a cosmetic shop “paywall”. Path Of Exile makes all of their money on their free game by doing this. I’ve got damn near 1000 hours into POE from when the alpha for it first started, and they’ve gotten hundreds out of me because I kept thinking “damn, I need another tab for my stash, better pony up and grab one” or “dang, this new armor skin looks awesome!” or “yeah, it would be cool if my sword dripped magma and my footprints were molten”, and then, me mixing and matching on top of that. It adds up.

I DO NOT want to see this game shortcut anything with a cash shop (xp boosters, auto-levellers, pay with dram or pay with real money, etc), so the Warframe route doesn’t appeal to me (though it does work in that game). But they have mentioned that isn’t the plan, so as long as they stick to their guns on that I’m cool with it.

The point is, short of gifting my friends vr headsets and gifting them orbus, I can’t really support the game in any other way and I want to be able to.

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i think many people missed my point id like an option to donate 15$ a month call it a subscription call it a donation call it whatever you wish and i think theres plenty who feel the way i do. 40$ means this game will be majorly limited to updates in the future you can only ever make 40$ x all vr players out there maximum. that means at some point the game would cost alot more to update than they could ever potentially make so what will eventually happen is they will have to shut down… even if they dont pay people to code updates theres upkeep for servers ect that cost them so much… I just want to give more to the future of this game in my own way thats why i suggested a subscription with no reward no extras nothing but my donation of 15$ a month because i want to support this game. i HATE pay for play i think its rediculous to reward people who have more money than others with in game rewards that to me is completely unfair. But those of us who can and WANT to donate 15 a month should have some method or viable way of doing so thats all i really meant. not an actual required subscript to play if they ever do that it should be way in the future once the game has more content and is more finished.


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I’m active on patreon for a few projects (I support crossvr, cemu, and Pbs space time). This is probably the easiest way to accomplish what you’re suggesting without affecting the games marketing.


Pretty much limited to cosmetics and expansion packs, unless you want to make the steam store page false.

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Well, I greatly look forward to expansion packs, then!

And cosmetics…and whatever else I can do to support this game.

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Elite Dangerous is doing well with cosmetic and expansion packs (and no pay to win); I think this is a good model.


I believe they went over their plans for future monetization and explained why they chose not to use a subscription model.

If you really want to support the game, I would wait until they release their cosmetics shop and other things (like merchandise)! One of those dragon plushies would be really fun!

I am also waiting for any kind of cosmetics to buy in-game to support it.
Home decors would do, maybe even different colours for Runemage spells?

Well you could try it a different way. Why not sponsor players? Post on reddit or somewhere and give away a signup per month? If you want to invest in the game grow the community by bringing in players. The devs probably won’t just take your money, so put it in their hands by giving away the game to others!

That’s a neat idea.
I’d do that too if i had money lol

-More chests for my house
-ability to craft potions or lures from player inventory
-upgrade house to like a mansion or palace or something

No way I paid my 40$

Well if the devs would start on patreon like a “subscribe monthly if you want to but you don’t have to” I would gladly pay a little fee.
But this is only my very own opinion.


I won’t touch f2p MMO’s anymore. If it isn’t either straight up buy and play or a sub I won’t play it.

This game can’t really add a sub model at this point, as we’ve already bought it under the current system. Other methods are available though… cosmetics, expansions, rented things within game perhaps. Rental stuff could blur the line between sub fees and buy to play though, and I’m not sure they’d want that.

I’d love an upgraded house with more options. Maybe an upgraded alchemy table, with a pot with temperature controls. Hard to say at this point, as we don’t know what is already planned or considered on their end.

One thing is for sure though… MMO’s don’t survive without new content being added all the time, and they require constant upkeep. Both of those things require some form of income on the part of those making the game, and a simple up front cost doesn’t cover it. That might keep a game afloat for a time, but not indefinitely. If the simple up front cost covered it forever, we wouldn’t be buying a new Call of Duty every year - we’d be getting free updates to the original until the end of time.


Hear ye, hear ye! 10$ a month for “gold membership” or honestly just a donate button. I honestly would dish out 100’s of dollars just for random cosmetic crap xD! Help me spend my money Orbus!!

I’m sorry, I absolutely love this game but I will never pay a monthly subscription fee, if it ever happens no matter how much I love this game I’ll stop playing

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Cosmetic shop would be nice for the long run, but for players to stick around we need amazing endgame.
Some older MMOs are still alive thanks to an amazing pvp experience like DAoC, they first introduced realm vs realm pvp, 3 different factions and a huge endgame pvp map with castles etc.
Other games like path of exile are doing amazing thanks to their new leagues with a twist every 3rd month and regular expansions for free, they are only getting money from cosmetic shop.

Either way, I dont see this game surviving in the long run if they only do expansions, since the players going for that expansion will be far far fewer than the ones who tried the original game. but of course im no expert and the devs probably know ten times more than me, but it just seems that every -one time buy mmo- is doing way worse than those with cosmetic shops or subscription.


I would pay a monthly fee but they would need to make the game worth paying for monthly. Like a larger team of developers & super fast content(or updates/tweakage/improvements) in large quantities. Otherwise you are just throwing your money at a wall.

I would pay for another kickstarter with some kind of goal in mind / in game items.

F2P is a garbage genre 90% of the time, but at least for this one you pass a paywall once. It’s not F2P, but it does kind of mean that the game can be “finished” potentially. Pretty sure I’ve read they are are going with the DLC approach, releasing content in single purchase waves.

All personal opinions obviously, but I also very much hate games where you look like a homeless person or you look exactly the same as everyone else unless you pay money (like GW2). You usually get extorted with games that sell cosmetics, paying more than you would on a monthly fee which is a deterrent for me to even play the game. Not a lot of people want to pick between spending 8 billion dollars or look like the same garbage can for all times.

Riley has given us some input on this


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