New Patch: 3.60

Just a minor note, some quick testing shows that a Warrior takes 40 Provoke combos for a 100% Ult charge and 38 Wound combos for a full charge. Wound takes less combos as it also takes more strikes with Provoke at 120 strikes and Wound at 152 strikes.

Runemages sit at between 10-20 successful spells for a full charge depending on spell selection.

The Runemage is the last one that may still need to be balanced, I am gathering more data on it. That said, something to keep in mind with the Runemage Super is that the receive very large bonuses right now for successfully casting spells without getting a “miss”, and even for experienced Runemages there is going to be some missing going on during actual combat. In addition to that, they only get credit if the spell actually hits an enemy target, and again missing the target does happen.

But don’t be surprised if it gets adjusted in the future as well.

Finally, as I just said in the post, the Warrior now gets a nice bonus for their Super from blocking attacks, so you are going to have to test it while getting hit by enemies to get a real sense of how long it takes to charge.

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So we’ve hit a snag on this that is taking longer than I hoped to get resolved. I will keep working on it tonight but this may not go out until the morning, sorry about that.

Okay we finally got the client side part of this patch out the door. Sorry for the delay. This should fix the problem with buying the wrong thing in the market stall. If you want to get it right away just exit the game and restart your Steam client, otherwise you should get it the next time your Steam is idle. Thanks!

Also there is a bug right now where the collision box on the Practice Dummy in Highsteppe is like way too big. I was using that to test the new sliding mechanics and accidentally left it in. I’ll fix it in the morning.


Is the new sliding mechanic a fix for that? It would be awesome Range of arrows

i thought you changed the low lvl dummy so that lvl 20’s couldnt destroy it, thought it made sense to restrict that one to low levels i dunno lol

A new server-side and client-side patch just went out which:

  • Fixes the collision box around the Practice Dummy in Highsteppe
  • Fixes an issue where removing someone from a Fellowship wouldn’t remove all instances of them from the list.
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With this new patch, I can’t log in now. I keep getting this error. Anyone else getting this error?


I have same problem with Johann

Unable to load mono library from “G:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/OrbusVR/vrclient_Data/Mono/mono.dll” (error = 193). Same error @Riley_D

same “mono” issue cant get in

Okay sorry about that, one moment.

I rolled back that patch, so it should update again and get you back in.

I will get the new patch out again in a moment.

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Yep, rolled back and i’m online.

I keep getting the same error.

What branch are you on?

regular branch…

Try restarting your entire Steam client.

I tried that and that didn’t work. I restarted my pc and that made it work.