PVE Pot Helm? Use the BreakDown button or do something else with it? Need second opigion

I just got a “PVE Pot Helm” and the description says “Transmog Only: Equipping this item will have no effect, but it can be broken down to unlock a transmog style in the Transmog Station.” I THINK it wants me to use the “BreakDown” button (that would normally turn a piece of equipment into a shard…) but “broken down” and “BreakDown” are technically written a little bit differently. And also, it seems to indicate that I need to be “IN” the transmog station. I’m thinking the transmog station is the cabinet of my player’s house… but then wouldn’t the wording be “AT the transmog station” not “IN it”? I know I’m being picky on wording, but the last thing I want to do it break it into a shard, and loose this item completely. Any suggestions?

Yes, the description wants you to break down the helmet. You do not need to be at the transmog station to break it down. However, to change a piece of gear into the form of another piece of gear, you do have to have the transmog cabinet open.

This is the same process you need to use with any of the gear purchased from the quest givers. Basically, this gear is “skins” that you can cover your good gear with to make it look different.

And congratulations on the drop! My understanding is that is a pretty rare drop! :slightly_smiling_face:


The reason the devs did this makes sense, but it is really awkward and uncomfortable to destroy your new gear. Especially considering that a new player to Orbus is likely to get their GRINDER up a few times before they even know what the transmog closet is/does makes it seem even more awkward.

Transmog is definitely something that I think could be better explained…I think most new players kinda stumble on it.


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