Raid boss pet wrong rarity

So last night we did our pet run, I got the pet but the chest didn’t show a beam, I think that might have been a bug, but it might have been because it’s a green item and not a “Epic” purple item which leads to it having no beam (see Potato’s post: More consistency in "beam" color for chests and lootbags)

The pet and it’s animation is super cute btw!


Okay we’ll get that fixed. Congrats on the drop!

Thanks! Beats my luck from the old raid for sure! :grin:

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Thank you for my TWO pets was an epic drunk raid last night!


i will get that pet
also nice luck rockabella
it will probably be 100 raids before i get it

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and then on that holy raid where i get my pet im going to get 5 in a single chest

Yeah rng sucks lol, I hope you get it soon fingers crossed :slight_smile:

chase you will get a pet dont worry :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

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