Reborn Beta 3 Patch Notes

Only that specific one. In the original Orbus Beta we made an achievement where if you started a character pretty far toward the end of the Beta and then leveled to max level (to help us out essentially by testing the leveling curve) we gave you an achievement that carried over into the main game.

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The server is now online. Enjoy!

Waving at Sicilus isn’t working

Yeah we were just tracking that, working on it now.

Okay I just reset the Highsteppe town zone and Sicilus should be working now. Thanks!

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Known Issue: Were working on getting tutorial images into the game, so when you first get loot it will show a tutorial image (it is currently displaying wrong one), we are working on fixing that now.

Is there a way for an Oculus user to force the game to launch in OpenVR mode via the new launcher?

I am attempting to test the LIV integration which only works with OpenVR runtime and attempting to force-launch the vrclient.exe with a ‘vrmode -openvr’ flag via a shortcut fails to connect to the servers (but it does force the mode and MR splitscreen pops up).

In addition I get black screen with LIV SDK enabled and the calibration seems a bit off with legacy mode. Hoping someone has been able to LIV running with Oculus or at least SDK mode.

Ummm…good question. I know the vrmode thing will work on the Steam version of the current live game. I will see if I can get you a launcher that works with it for the Beta.

When I tested the Liv integration I was not using Legacy mode I was using the normal mode.

Okay so here’s what you can do:

  1. Go into RebornLauncher\resources\app\client and make a new shortcut to vrclient.exe in that directory, name it “vrclient-openvr”. Modify it to add the “-vrmode openvr” to the Target.

  2. Drop this index.html file to replace the current one in RebornLauncher\resources\app :

It should work then.

I keep getting blackscreen(but with camera feed) in SDK mode, and when I tried the -vrmode switch on the live game recently I found I was getting crashes immediately after launch.

Obviously you have more pressing things to triage right now, but an OpenVR switch would be nice if it’s easy, and hopefully that’ll let me pin down what’s causing the blackscreen. Happy beta!

Edit: Faster than I could even reply. Thanks I’ll try out that updated index file!

Edit2: New index file does indeed launch the client in OpenVR, but behavior is identical to manually launching the shortcut, client never connects to server. Might try to see if I can get capture working native over OVR but I’ll come back to LIV later, thanks again for the quick reply.

Highsteppe is so dark at night in this test, i tried to race on “Second Chance” but it’s all black. All i see are the rings but i can’t see the obstacles and kept dying.
The Lich Crypt was also pretty dark but not that much

Warrior shield stops working after each hit, potato had to keep putting away and getting it back out after each hit to be able to block

Hmmmm…after each hit? I don’t think we saw it ever happening like that, it was stopping randomly on us before though. Is it possible they are doing something else in-between (potion? charge?)

Im going to add some additional light to Highsteppe and the dungeon, I like the dark atmosphere but it could use a few points lights so its not total blackout.

i cant find the picture

This is happening accidentally to me alot and it is not always easy to get out of these places… why not just teleport people to the place they came from if they get like 1-2m inside an obstacle?

The folder is hidden, just have to turn on view hidden files

Or to “nearest open square” or something

where is it i cant find it

C:\Users\AppData\LocalLow\Orbus Online, LLC\OrbusVR\screenshots