Reborn story confusion

Anyone want to tell me how the story/emersion of oldbus was like? Because rn in orbus reborn you kinda jump into the story without really knowing what is going on, there’s LOTS of references of the player being a known person back in the day but they talk as if the player already knows whats going on. (Nothing like Ah! is that you [Player name]? I haven’t seen you since the battle of ----- where you did this, instead you get: ahh is that you [Player name]? I haven’t seen you since forever ago) like what? what happened? am i missing ciritical information?

Was it the same in old orbus where you just kinda… jump in without knowing anything or does the story telling seem more natural? Because rn in orbus reborn it kinda feels like I started watching an anime at season 5 out of 12 seasons or something.

Would be nice to have a revamp on story a bit for newer players.


Basically you get tricked into helping a priest release demons on the world.

bishop roma bad guy, he with order, they bad guys. you join the patreayl knights or whatevz. bishop man opens a portal to the realm of chaos, 5 bad guys come out and they start chilling in their ancient ruins. you and 9 other people murdered them to death. and then the knights and order went to war
then mr man went crazy and like murdered the world.
also you lost your memory, which is why you cant remember what happened before reborn

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This is by far the laziest technique in story-telling lol

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also the story actually changes depending which quest line u are in,like when if u talk to the mayor on one quest line she says one thing but if u talk to her on another she says something compltetly different.
or how sephotep is both 20 years old, and also 200 years old

more details here Lore discrepancies(BIG BOI SPOILES)

I thought


Ethan accidently created Sephotep from Seith and then was hurdled through time and space.
" …Suddenly i was whirring through time and space. Pulled through a portal, saved from certain death…"


yea, but we know that event happened in the necropolar, when people were living there. in the old game it was desolate, with no one having lived there in hundreds-thousands of years because of ancient sealed monsters + a ice nuke, so this had to have happened after the deslatu subjugation. also there is a mention of a “master shaman” which did not exist before then, again pointing to the event being somewhere between after we as the players killed deslatu, and before treasure castle was summoned/before he started manipulating markus.

but then when doing whisper’s lore quests, scavenging, she states that she was chasing him for over a 200 hundred years, because she was a girl when her world was napalmed by sephotep, and she states that she is 300 years old(or somewhere in the triple digits, forget exactly how old since u can go back and look)

one event says hes in his 20s-40s while the others say somewhere around 200

That makes sense .I think my garbage anime comic book brain just filled in the blanks and assumed he could time travel or something.

Inside your player house library there are a few books you can read that give some insight into the old game and story line (like some markos back story, I think its broken up over 4-5 books). There is also a short “summary” book that will be added in next cpl weeks that is what you are looking for, just the highlights of events that happened in the previous quest line.

If you haven’t read any of the in game lore books, you just pick them up then release and they will float in front of you like your Player Journal, and you can turn pages the same. When your done just grab it by the spine like you would put away your Player Journal and throw it, it will reset back to it’s original position then.


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