Runemage Lvl 30 Talent Activation

In the previous beta, triplicity and contamination were activated with the first resurrection spell followed by polymorph. Is this still going to be the case? It seems more like a placeholder spell and should be swapped for a new spell.

Resurrection is a ritual that cancels all other spells while it’s active. This is fine when casting rituals outside of combat, but in a fight if you change your mind you need to wait for the ritual to disappear to cast any spells. Resurrection is also very close to the first teleport ritual rune, which has the same issue.

The talents are basically new spells: they should get new runes. Mages should have to practice more to learn a unique rune(s) for the buff rather than reusing utility spells that they already know. It really doesn’t make sense from a lore perspective for the ressurection rune to also proc damage dealing abilities. All other spells have distinct runes.

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So the reason we did this is really simple, basically we didn’t want to interfere with the collective knowledge and practice of the community just to add one new talent.

If we modify the “base table” of Runemage runes that are available when you are casting a spell, it will inevitably affect the casting of all spells, especially spell shortcuts. At this point with the Runemage spells being so well-practiced and well-known by the community, so many shortcuts, workarounds, etc. existing, it didn’t seem like something we wanted to mess with at this time. Obviously only the runes as they are presented in the game are “guaranteed to be supported” by us in the future, but considering how big a part of playing a mage those shortcuts and the like are, it’s not worth messing with that just to add one talent.

Since these are really more like “effects” and not actual spells in the sense that they turn on a new mode and don’t cast a missile, we felt fine with doing it this way.

I’d be fine with coming up with a solution though for basically getting out of “ritual mode” right away if you change your mind instead of having to wait for it to expire if that’s an issue people are having.

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So this means we’ll never see Mana Shield level 2, or Fireworks level 3?

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But wait, when you in combat your ritual instantaneously disappears on the cast of the second spell because it detects you being in combat, right? So no waiting needed for failure? That is what it does normally in the normal game :man_shrugging:

This is still an issue; the teleport and resurrection runes are very similar and it’s easy to get locked into teleport in the middle of a fight. An easy solution would be to just disable starting the teleport ritual while in combat (i.e. have it pop instead of activating the first stage).

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I agree with Cam. It’s highly annoying as it currently is in game. Auto canceling portal in combat would help greatly

I’ve wasted so many damn reagents because it is quicker to finish the portal than wait for it to time out. I don’t mind failing the cast if my resurrection is too close to portal, but the portal ritual should instantly be cancelled in combat.

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