Scoundrel aiming down sights blocked by resource bars

Is there any way to move the resource bars (health, bullets, super) from just above the gun to… anywhere else? when trying to aim down sights like a normal gun, instead of hipfiring, the resource bars block everything except for a small portion of the sights and makes it difficult to line up long range shots.


I had a hard time with this last night as well.

I mean, Orbus is not meant to be a first person shooter. The farthest shots are only like 10 feet and many shots are being curved anyway. There is no damage buff for shooting long distance shots, only for curving it where sights are useless anyway. Furthermore, it all comes with practice and many times you will not have the time to aim down sights on each and every shot.

You can get rank 5 curves from 10 feet away?

I understand it’s not a first person shooter, but I can think of plenty of situations where I’d like to line up my shot and hit on the first shot instead of curving or guestimating. I’ve already developed a good amount of muscle memory for hip firing or curving the bullet where I hit a large majority of my shots, but it would be nice to have the option of aiming down the sights at the times I NEED to make the shot.

Plus… it IS a gun in VR after all… the sights do have a purpose.

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I mean, yeah. Maybe a little more than 10, but it matters more about the curve than the distance. The distance is only there to give you the space to make a curve. You can easily get rank 5 on bosses with small arenas like the Dungeon Troll

Well, fair enough on that one, but for scoundrel being one of the easiest classes to play, we need a little challenge! It is kinda like putting a crosshair on a bow, it takes away the skill needed to nail those shots like a cool wild west dude with the gun by their side :joy:. Also, there isn’t really another place to put the health bars and stuff, except for doing the Shaman thing, but some shamans really hate that.

I mean, it honestly doesn’t even need to move, just put a little more space in there so I can actually see the target. Currently, the bars are right above it. Give s couple of inches of space to see at the very least. Or hell, put it on the side or under the gun…

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i dont think that there is a use for the sights on the gun
because if you are just straight up shooting then you arent doing that much damage

right now there is a system being tweaked that allows you to move specifc items on ur body for some classes to different places, and once that is finished it is very possible it will be applied to other things like health bars

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Please stop acting like the rotation of the scoundrel is all that difficult. One can multitask the rotation of grabbing/burning cards and curving bullets while still taking the time to aim. Especially if you chose the talent to load 4 bullets per shot. That talent alone gives you more time to aim.

You don’t need to curve every shot. You get the curve shot buff, then deal with your cards until the buff runs out. If you’re keeping a good distance like you should to get a higher tier buff, and you’re fighting a relatively skinny modelled mob (not everything is about giant boss fights that are easy to hit) then you can miss a small percentage of your shots, even of you’re good. Hands get tired, you might get a little lazy, etc.

There’s no reason for it to not be an option. It’s a gun. As much as everyone wants all fantasy and spells and magic, it’s still a gun.

I have found the sights very useful on scoundrel - my aim is generally terrible and I do occasionally need to make long shots on moving targets such as certain lever-pushing rats.

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Kamina, that’s good to know. It will be nice to move the stuff on the body a bit lower or further back on the model so I’m not accidentally grabbing stuff when I’m trying to do something else. Hopefully they apply this to the UI elements as well.

Lol I play scoundrel
During the beta a leveled it to 1 to 30
I know what I’m talking about, I’m just saying it isn’t hard to aim at all
I wasn’t insulting you at all im just saying it’s easy,
Chill out, don’t write me a book

And plus I said that it wasn’t difficult

Don’t know why you yell at me :stuck_out_tongue:
Still think the sights are useless unless you have useless aim :wheelchair::wheelchair::wheelchair::wheelchair:

I agree with Chase, but in a nicer way… Sights are not needed in a game where the bosses have a hitbox the size of a house, and there are very few times if at all that hitting a long ranged shot is necessary. With that said, I don’t think it could hurt to give players the power to move their UI around and that if they want to use sights, then it really doesn’t hurt any of us.

“I’m not insulting you.”
Proceeds to insult me. :roll_eyes:

Also, who’s yelling? lol… Don’t be so defensive. You made a statement that I disagree with. All I’m saying is the sights are not 100% useless like you claim. Even if you’re the 1337est tier higherest caliber #1 pew pew boi :kissing_heart:

Please be respectful to each other, there’s no point to insulting others and that is not acceptable on these forums.

Regarding the original post, we appreciate the feedback and we’ll make a note of the issue. Thanks.