Server Side Patch- Triplicity Talent

I do think it will still have a positive effect on every fight with a downtime and pre cast triplicity. So the talent changed from an use everytime you can thing to an only on downtime bosses thing.

And even then having ~2 spells extra damage over 30+ spells is very minor.

Option 1: Have 3 triplicity tiles so we have more triplicity efficiency.
Criticism of option 1 triplicity sucks now, you’re losing a tile in normal rotation phase meaning you’ll have to do 2x the frosts, meaning you’ll do a lot less damage in normal rotation. (overall dps loss)

Option 2: “Tiles changed”
Potential option for tiles changing: Healing tile
Criticism of option 2: There’s already interference in when you activate tiles, I get my tiles that I did mid triplicity when I’m out of triplicity, meaning that adding a un-runemage-controllable factor into it does not work well, unless the healer can heal the same speed as I can, or having multiple healers, in which case is better to have another dps instead of adding a healer for the sake of one class’s dps minimal dps increase.

The benefit of the other talent is that dots last longer correct? The cost of 2 spells (which is longer btw than actually casting fires or frosts) is too insignificant to use, as unlike the idea of the talent [If our spells were majorly dots] majority of our damage is not in dots.

triplicity was already a use only when bosses downtime is over.

I can’t fit 2 triplicities on certain bosses, because for 1 triplicity lasts 8 seconds, with a VERY fast cast speed you can only fit a few extra spells.

On hardmode raid you have to save triplicty on boss 1(somewhat), 2, 3, 4, 5
On shards you have to save triplcity on bosses: Lich king, dungeon troll, gorgon, both airship bosses (forget the names of them atm).

The only bosses that didn’t require you to save triplicity was minotaur, and mutated rat. And boss 1 on hardmode raid if the boss never moves (like in normal raid lol)

With the True Affliction talent all frost and fire are DoTs. With those being the bread and butter of most mages’ repertoire I would think that True Affliction in combination with Contamination would make for increased DPS. Is that not the case?

no theres a reason why mages don’t go true garbage talent.

for one fireballs and frosts add dots but they only stack once, and they do low amounts of sustained dps additive, and the base dmg of fireball and frosts EVEN with dots on them do less dmg. Meaning:
If i cast fireball; 5k inital hit 4k ticks every second, but if i cast antoher fireball it’ll just: 5k inital hit and override the fireball dot. meaning I’m casting 5k dmg spells.

Sooo if that is true for almost everything then the whole thing with Cam saying dps decrease caused by having to pre-cast the spell is just not true in most of the boss cases? So it still gives a dps increase. And more % increase for slower mages in those situations.

You can get extra damage instead of “holding on” to cast triplicity.
You hold on to cast triplicity to match boss’s timings.(Which would increase dps) But now triplicity isn’t as good as it was, and in fact it’s a lot better to optimize a rotation that completely ignores triplicity (You’ll overall have less frosts, less overlapped afllictions, more debuff uptimes and with 2 additional tile slots more tile uptime consistency) because that’ll add MORE dps than having a rotation that includes triplicity can.

You keep saying that but without numbers. This all still feels like guesswork.

(I guess I will have to look at it too, tomorrow, because now I am curious)

you can work out the numbers if you want, make a rotation that has frosts every 3 seconds, afflictions without overstacking but maintaining debuffs.

I’m quitting so it really doesn’t matter to me as much anymore

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just did some testing.

I did a 10 minute thoughtout rotation that disincluded triplicity. 54k dps.
I also did: 54k with the rotation you usually do with triplicity.

I’m sure you can optimize a better rotation than the one I did for disincluding triplicity but you see my point there.

Update: repeated this a couple of times same numbers casting about 2 per second.

Stop wasting the dev’s time by replying to me, it doesn’t matter anymore there is no reason to post in this constructive patch post.

I’ve yet to see anything constructive from yourself. Think I’ll just add you to the ignore list so as to make this more pleasant.

Nah he makes constructive comments that gets flagged and removed by the devs. Very useful.

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sounds great, without Alphabet and uncapped mages other classes will see some play and the attention they need, and Devs can tune things properly

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This is quite a big nerf. Wouldn’t having triplicity bottom out around 20% still make it quite useful and inline with the other DPS classes level 30 talents?

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Our hardmode raids usually consist of 1-2 mages, 3-5 rangers, and 0-1 scoundrels. If you can’t clear content it’s not because you don’t have good mages; it’s because your dps is too low.


A small increase to damage vs a potential loss of damage. Not worth my time.

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