Settings Changing other Settings Issue Needs Addressing

Been meaning to make this post for a while. There are certain option settings that when changed seem to change other settings in game. I ran into an issue this evening where my movement orientation became set to center of play space. This made me think my Index Controllers or SteamVR had glitched out as the other evening things ran great for hours. This change made it so that once I turned in my place space my controls became seemingly reversed and just confused the hell out of me. Reset my computer several times and was about to reinstall steam before I decided to check the orbus settings from the ground up. Seriously was utterly baffled by the movement orientation settings changing from controller orientation to center play space. AlI I can think is I toggled the smooth turn vs snap turn a few times to see what I liked the most a few times and that seemed to cause the switch.

The settings menu could use a bit of QA and making sure that certain movement settings and other settings don’t confusingly change.


Ran into this for the first time last night. I think I was trying to change my locomotion settings (I think) and I wound up turning PVP on by accident Fortunately that one has a pop up warning and I was able to turn it off before leaving Highsteppe. :no_mouth:

yea, i’ve complained about this a few times before… it is really bad. the more settings that get added, the worse it gets too.

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This happens to me when I’m changing anything and it’d enable/disable world pvp randomly, and sometimes it’d reenable my stat bar. lol.

I’m just waiting for someone to change their settings, walk out of highstep and lose all of their gear and shards and then have to ask Riley to give it all back because he didn’t know he was in pvp mode.

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Oooorr, they could make it a conscious effort to consider the game always-improving, open the hardmode raid up in general (including the rewards) and make changes as needed. Unless they made it too easy and decide to drive it harder, it shouldn’t make a difference. Theoretically, the main functions should he the same, just more challenging, so those shouldn’t break in such a way that it makes it significantly too easy.

Think you may have meant for this to be on a different post? Sounds like it pertains to the Hardmode Raid post.

I think it must have switched threads on me :sweat_smile:

Edit: this one: Hardmode raid release

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