Shaman collision issues

Playing as a shaman is incredibly annoying for me. I often just want to grab a orb a totem generated but instead grab the totem from my belt… it’s so frustrating. My character is cluttered enough with pickaxe, compass and now 4 totems all the time. I’m having a really hard time interacting with the totems orbs.

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Not a perfect fix but you can grab over your shoulder (as if you are pulling a weapon out if you were any other class) and the pickaxe and other tools should disappear. So you only have the smallish totems from your ‘belt’ there. That make it easier to avoid accidentally picking up


Okay, thx for the hint. I am not sure if I will start reborn anytime soon… but this would help a bit. Still, I think the developers should tackle this issue. I find orbus to be very clunky when it comes to interaction.

Hi, thanks for the feedback. We know Shaman doesn’t have the ideal setup with the tools and we’re looking at solutions for this in the near future.


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