So, the game will be $40 forever?

What about when the game starts having the same amount of content as World of Warcraft, for example. Will it still be just $40?

are you saying to increase the price?

honestly its a miracle this game isnt subscription based AND has no microstransaction that you actually need to have to be powerful (thank god), i would honestly suggest a price change, maybe 60$ US


Maybe when 90 percent of the forum topics aren’t about game breaking bugs.


I’m saying, in it’s current state, it is worth $40 to people who have played MMORPGs before. Most others were subscription-based. New players, however, probably won’t see the game being worth $40 since it lacks content in the first 10 levels.

When the game becomes so massive that it is the same size as those subscription-based games, it would be a good idea to either separate the game into expansions, or possibly raise the base game price to match the amount of content. However, I’m not a financial adviser.

I can see your reason, I just hope orbus does not become a subscription based game. I already paid a lot more than £40 for it. its not the type of game for that. Riley has told us before all the money made by the game goes back in to the game. orbus is an odd thing its not much like a traditional mmo its much more like a console based multyplayer. so it understandable to have a large cost to buy and transaction ingame.

Occasionally, as an Adult Human, I’ll find myselft in a position where someone will say something born out of a complete childlike naivety. In these situations I am forced to reflect on my past experiences and make a decision about how to act. Do I smash the childhood wonder with the boulder of reality? Or, do I allow them to continue wandering aimlessly through the magical forest, knowing that ultimately, they will fall prey to the wolves…


As a human I would say it would not be healthy for your mental health knowing you could have prevented the child from being eaten by wolves. But smashing it with a builder would also be a bit harsh xD

The logical business move would be to offer future expansions, with new content and increased level cap. They could use the “airship” concept to be what transports you to the new content. Maybe the one under construction at Highstep could be just for that purpose.

I don’t think the economics of VR will support a subscription model. The pool of players is much smaller due to the cost of the headsets. As for spending $40 for some 100+ hours of play time, Orbusvr has a strong VR offering compared to most of the other titles.

I’d spend another $40-$60 to get new zones, new quests, new dungeons and an increase to say level 40.


This. There’s worlds between PC games and VR titles. Starting from the price for headsets/vr-ready pcs (which might slowly change with the Quest coming out, but still) and ending with uncomfortable headsets and physical requirements making many players want to play way less hours in a row than they would on pc.

Most smaller VR titles I pay around 10€ for and played them 2-5h, perhaps 10 at max. Very few like ST Bridge Crew I played around 40-50h. From other suns, great title, also 40€, but after 10+h in you realize the content is absolutely redundant. Not one single VR game I played 1450+h like Orbus or can imagine that even. Orbus contains a number of Activities and Minigames, which, if released separately, would exceed the price already. For example Dragon Races: Make that a single VR game, select the races from an entry screen, have a bestlist and charge 10€ alone for this, it would sell for sure.
Many VR titles are designed for a couple hours playtime, only, and judging from comments people don’t really expect much more. Orbus is the big exception and even if people can not see that yet, it likely will set standards for the whole yet-to-come genre. And with the development ‘speed’ of similar VR titles I am monitoring - some in alpha since years now; others were announced and dropped silently - this will stay for a while I guess.


Maybe the base game will remain at that price, except during promos. Riley has given us some info in the past, hope this helps

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