Steam version seems to lock up on me quite a bit


I bought OrbusVR the first week that it came out on Steam only and was blown away by the potential. Frankly I saw someone post some content on Reddit and had been following them ever since, until the release. However, I have been playing very little recently and not because of the game itself but because of technical limitations. I usually have to restart Steam / Orbus about 3 times for it too successfully load and during gameplay I receive quite a few stutters as I walk around and explore the world and sometimes it even crashes during these stutters.

This is most likely because I am running a GTX 970 with an i5-6600K. With GPU prices where they are now and having recently lost my job I don’t feel like purchasing a new GPU would be responsible. However, I have noticed that the games purchased through the Oculus store work great, I believe its because when I run Orbus I must run 2 clients in the background (Oculus and Steam).

Is there any way I can convert my Steam license to an Oculus Store license?

Are you playing the game using SteamVR? Just to be sure, you don’t need to have SteamVR open while playing, only the steam marketplace to verify your ownership of the game. You can still play it using the native oculus SDK.

I have been using SteamVR because it only seemed to work with it on (or so I thought), maybe thats my problem. I’ll test it out some more today to see if it fixes any performance problems.

Thank you!

Just some extra info, I have a GTX 960, and the game works perfectly fine, got already close to 400 hours and almost no crash lately (using websocket instead of default connection), so don’t think your GPU would be the problem

I crash usually 2-3 times an hour. It only happens when leaving/entering house or teleporting somewhere or entering/leaving a dungeon. I believe they are working on a fix.

Excellent bench mark to compare to, thank you for the input!

May also be related to graphics card driver version. I had updated mine to the latest and greatest and it caused an issue.

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