Trailer question

I looked at the trailer for Orbusvr reborn and saw players dodging, ducking, and weaving to avoid enemy attacks (not just teleporting). That would have been cool and add depth into the combat system.

In one part, the player ducked under the beam on the first boss of the crypt dungeon. If a dodging mechanic like that was established, I think that would have been fun. just my thoughts I guess.

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Would lock some current folks out of the game though. Some players I know sit in a wheelchair and as for me, I simply got no playspace for that, playing front-faced and seated, most of the time.
Played Dead and Buried for a while where you gotta do exactly that, duck and cower, dodge bullets physically and what not, had a mat in front of me to not bump my knees so hard, however I bumped my hand on the desk instead while throwing dynamite and it took weeks to heal… so that was it with that game and all similar ones :smiley:

As for the first boss in Crypt, yah it looks fancy in the trailer, but no one would likely consider that even if it worked… it’s so much more convenient and safer to teleport to his side or behind. So it would need some other, new mechanics making roomscale movement more attractive and again, if there’s an alternative most would likely use that instead; and if there’s none, some would not play this content anymore.

So there’s already games that do that, like superhot, robo recall, creed, etc.
The thing is that, like Metris said, it’s actually really impractical. Superhot only works because the game only moves when you do, i.e. slow enough to let you dodge projectiles with reasonable ease. The last time I saw someone play creed in the 10x10 area I have for my quest, they nearly fell on every table and desk in my living room. Not to mention that my circle of irl friends affectionately call robo recall the “wall punching simulator” since it’s fast enough to get immersed and lose track of where you are in the play area. The record so far is four wall punches within an hour before they had to stop. Lol.
Not to mention the potential for abuse. I tried testing if I could dodge under lasers during the Halloween event. Obviously, you can’t, but I was able to use a hill with the bottom of my hit boxes as a sort of cover to hit without being hit back. That alone may give the possibility for exploits.

In a perfect world we could have a “seated” combat system and maybe an “active” one in the settings. I do think if someone is willing to perform theactrics they should get a bonus on defense/offense.

I know it can be exploited - as many tracking related things tend to be here btw. I do like a risk/reward thing only if there would’nt be an easy exploit to it.

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