Trickster Goblin Day 2 Discussion

Yea was a good challenge and almost wiped ur entire group 3v6 at the end, prefer The name galactic federation for that discord group tho

Looks like the goblin has not spawned this time, it’s been 25 mins and nobody saw the announcement.

Pretty sure I saw a message while I was farming.

Yea @Riley_D no announcement, but still looked around, and luckily got the message that it died in Wastelands while looking there. Other people got the token, but luckily we outplayed them 2v3 (moreso 1v3 as I was killing them strategically) and still got 2 tokens under our belt.

Please fix it next time so we don’t have to guess where the goblin is. Makes it a lot easier to know where we have to outclass people.

Delightfulness Rating: 3 out of 5 - would be a five if we knew where to go in the first place to win against “people”

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Haven’t had the bug in a while, but there have been a lot of times where I kill someone, or they kill me and I respawn, but I am still in combat. Most of the time just going to the graveyard fixes the problem

i can start recording the events for transparency sure. Maybe LC know ways around these glitches or are so used to them that they do quick relogs to circumvent or something so its not an issue… Also as Justin said… if you win even with issues like this, then the issue becomes minor because you were able to complete the event without random bugs being a major factor to your failure.

Regarding getting stuck in combat; it happens to me around 80% of the time. I either relog or kill myself… But if you in the heat of the battle with the trickster goblin… neither will work (at least for vive where loading times seem to be longer).

Regarding desyncs; it happens to me around 50% of the time. I always post when it is largely detremental for me (if its not reported or mentioned regularly, it will never get fixed).

Unfortunately there are just more bad experiences than good experiences… Even the one time where the pug managed to get the token we only saw 1 person for the whole event… so it was a bad experience also…

I created the poll to actually see what peoples opinions are quantatively and so that any team specific cohort differences are apparent.

That is in another thread :Poll: Do you go to the trickster goblin and why or why not?

I hope that helps @Logan

People seen: 6


  • Trickster goblin was killed far away from us.
  • We got to the kill location and it appeared that people had left already.
  • We went to highsteppe area to wait and we had no idea where they would come from.
  • We gave up trying to find them after 10 mins because either the timer will have finished or they got to highsteppe.
  • We had 3 people…
  • No desync or stuck in combat issue this time around… Probably because the lack of people I saw.

Another headless chicken experience unfortunately this time around.

fun rating: 2/5 because we had some communication on discord and i got to fight Shiki once or twice but that’s about it.

note: saw someone camping in safe zone probably with token. Should really get that fixed.

People seen: 5


  • Trickster goblin was killed far away from me, but i knew how to cut the carrier’s way and ran on the spot
  • I got there and it appeared the carrier was trying to speed pot away but i killed him and got the tokens
  • I went to highsteppe area and found a mage at the entrance who tried to stop me, but i killed him
  • I then was sneaking around the town to avoid his team and succesfully entered Highsteppe without getting killed
  • I had only myself

Another fun and strategical pvp experience this time around.

Delightfulness Rating: 5 out of 5

A very nice account of ‘those who know they have the token’ and ‘those who know nothing’. A very clear show of the imbalance so thanks for posting :smiley: . I think our strategy there would have been significantly different if we knew that you were the one with the token.

You weren’t that far from the carrier because we killed you to a close grave before that and then you speed potted yourself. So I guess it was partly luck too.

i did not use any vita pot or crit pot either so that probs would have helped with that last 10% of health shiki had :wink: but i think the main point this shows here is that… if you don’t know that someone has the token… They can basically get away with it and not be pursued killing the whole point of the event and also combining that with the vast size of each zone makes the randomness even higher. If you have a larger team who can split in to multiple groups safely, you have a big advantage as you are more likely to randomly find the goblin and you are less likely to get killed with the token as nobody knows who the real carrier is.

You had 3 people, you could have easily spread out and cover a good part of the zone but you decided to stay all together… then complain about the goblin spawning far from you, that’s already a strategy you could have changed to get better odds.

Yeah and if i also had the same potions nothing would have changed :man_shrugging:

I think you missed the point again Shiki :slight_smile:.

You are right… the more people you have the higher advantage you have of finding the goblin. That is exactly what I said:

So thanks for paraphrasing me on that.

Regarding ‘complaining’… I believe there is no ‘complaining’. I am just pointing out flaws in the system.

Namely this flaw:

A good show and an example of this flaw is when I 1v1’d with you and because we did not know you had the token… we did not pursue… which to just requote myself again from the post above (which i guess you never read):

It is clear you need to know where the person with the goblin tokens is… we searched 20 + mins and made 100% sure no-one can run to highsteppe unnoticed. :man_shrugging:really hope it will change soon.

People seen: 3 (0 from any other team)


  • 3 of us split up around the zone…
  • Trickster goblin was killed far away from me, never found the goblin.
  • We blocked all 2 entrances in the pvp zone but didn’t see the carrier.
  • We patrolled entrances in highsteppe.
  • Wasted 20 minutes doing pretty much nothing.

Delightfulness Rating: 1 out of 5

We assume that the token holder hid somewhere and logged out.

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I don’t agree, that will kill it for solo players. My tactic was to hide for 2h, and then walk home with it. You need to be able to hide if solo

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Well that is no fun and that just kills the PvP aspect of it, especially if someone hides in the wall. Having a beam on the person or at least have that person glow would encourage more PvP and would be a welcomed change.


I still don’t agree, hide and seek is a big part of PvP for solo players.

Sure you shouldn’t hide in walls but I do know a fix for that. (Add a out of bounds death timer)

I did not hide in a wall :wink:

Nope, this is where the beacon for standing in one place for too long should come in. If it gets implemented.


Today I had no problems attending the goblin besides being a bit retarded and not switching on PvP, man that is embarassing, apologies to the gentleman/woman for my accusations at cheating.