Triplicity bug please fix

Yesterday I’ve encountered the triplicity bug (Where when you cast resurrect, polymorph, it cancels the resurrect right after you cast polymorph, causing you to shoot out a polymorph instead.

There seems to be two things (That i’ve noticed) at play here. “Casting triplcitiy too fast.” This bug happens when you’re casting the triplicity really quickly. Another thing I’ve noticed about this is that I’d be casting REALLY sloppy on the polymorph (as it is forgiving) and I can guarantee that most of my polymorphs weren’t supposed to work as a standalone polymorph cast.

The other thing i’ve noticed is when you’re not in combat. The party would be in combat and you’d be casting resurrect, and again would cancel and go into polymorph. This happened about 3 times in a row last night for me. I believe maybe there is a game mechanic that removes ressurect or teleport if the party is in combat or some other mechanic and I believe maybe that might be getting in the way as for these triplicity bugs.

These bugs have been around for a while now wouldn’t mind if they were eradicated.


This happens to me pretty often as well, even going at “kinda fast” speeds. Also sometimes my ritual will appear, I’ll cast the bowtie, the (res) ritual goes away, and my triplicity is not active but I can continue casting like normal & my 15 stacks are not consumed.

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