Unable to download/update


I’m having multiple problems with the launcher . Every time I launch it an error appears “Unable to download correct file after multiple attempts. Couldn’t update to v2.83 …” I managed to fully download it once but every time i lauch it after it re-downloads itself again. (using 1.7 something version)

Also wanted to download new 2.83 version launcher from here https://blog.orbusvr.com/reborn-beta-6/
but it always pops up an error in the middle . Can you please reupload it to some other site ?

Keep restarting and running the launcher as administrator. Doing that ATM too. You get further with the download every time :sweat_smile:

Here is a link to a dropbox download location, you can try that and see if you have better luck. If this doesn’t work let us know and we can look into it deeper.

New launcher works perfectly! No errors , the game files loaded instantly . Thanks for help! :slight_smile:

No problem, let us know if you have any more problems and have fun!

The problem appeared again, It redownloads all over and now it cant update to 2.86 (from 83). Can i ask for a new dropbox version or a solution to this ?

Do you maybe know what is causing this problem ? I’ve tried running the launcher as admin and as normal user. Firewall is not blocking anything and im extracting it on an SSD drive.

Not sure, no…basically we just use this launcher for the Beta, once the game is live it will use the Steam/Oculus store download system, so it probably has some issues but it won’t affect the real game. So just have to suffer through for a few more days while the Beta is going on.

Ok! Thanks for help anyway :slight_smile:

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