Warrior is in an awesome state. It's other classes turn

:stuck_out_tongue: the current state of those headlines is all doom and gloom, I don’t want to turn off new players who may be thinking of picking up the class.


So I just want to say that all of the classes are going to see major changes coming their way in Content Patch Two with the new Talent System. I’m not done with Warriors at this point, either, and everyone is going to get some attention from us soon.

The roadmap basically looking like this:

Runemage Tournament Practice Area (tomorrow)
Final 2 Tradu Mines Dungeon Wings (around 2 weeks from now)
Talent System
Shard Dungeons
Act 3 Story Content

About in that order. I don’t have an exact date on the Talent System which is why I didn’t list one, but we’re talking 4-6 weeks probably.

But anyway, yes I agree that the Warrior is definitely better off today than they were on Monday :slight_smile:


Definitely agree with you about the state of the class for real though, was really enjoying bombing around today smashing things. It’s slightly different but very fun. I hope people read those other threads for context, I learned a lot esp. from Riley_D’s posts about how the hit registering works. Can’t wait to see the the first bits about the new talent system.

Seriously, you are fulfilling a life long dream for me and many other people right now. Thank you for all the work you do and the constant attention you show the community. You and your team are doing amazing. Please let me subscribe for something and give you money. :stuck_out_tongue:


Can you link me to this post you are talking about, with hit detection.

No doubt you’ve seen it since you are in that thread! There are a few different tidbits but…

Also much like yourself I want to pitch in to help this game flourish past the initial game tag… bought a few friends with VR the game this morning with that in mind!

Just found it and read it. Thanks!

Same. I bought a copy for my gf, and her friend. Happy that they both like it so much too!

for your gf and her friend? should you be worried?


I hope one of them is having the healer class finally get a skill they should have had from the start - resurrection.

Her friend is my best friends girl friend lol.

Everyone has resurrect…

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You doing any interviews soon? I’d love to hear more info/updates on the status of talent trees (or whatever it is if it’s not set up like a “tree”).

I’d love to get an idea of how much variety will be available. are my choices passive effects or active effects? do I play differently after i make my choices? Will there be different play styles for each class, and proximately how many? for instance maybe there’s spam fire archers and slow firing archers, are there also medium fire archers, and even other types of archer gameplay/playstyle

At what lvl will the talent trees be unlocked? should I rush to lvl 20 now to play with all the new cool stuff or can I chill out and wait for talents to continue the heavy grind?

also off topic but, could you allow for an option to customize your lfg title? I always want to just write out my own lfg tag so i can add in some context and sometimes the thing i want to do isn’t on the list. Thanks!

Act 3 isn’t the expansion? We get more story for free?! What?! I’m hyped.


No, they don’t. Runemages have it. I am talking about a class issue. The idea that theoretically everyone is able to cast the spell if they become a starter Runemage is not the point. There are threads on this issue with numerous responses so I won’t belabor the point here. And Riley already said Musketeers would be getting a rez feature in the future when responding to one of them.

We will definitely have more info to give out in advance, but right now the talent tree aspects are only in concept forms so it’s too early for us to give firm answers to these questions. But we’ll definitely go into it in the future!

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Hello everybody :slight_smile:

Excuse me please if I´m talking sh** here ´cause I´m totaly new to the game…

…but my first impression (in the beginners area) was that the vast majority is playing the rune mage!
And I can understand that!
The mage has all this spells (15? or more?), is challenging but also very rewarding with all that “fancy” graphic effects and different types of spells and even spells that have to be found yet (?)

…the warrior has 4 combos and it seems most people only use two of them after all!
I hope that there are more combos coming like for example a throw back combo or longer combos with more damage as reward…

Also saw boss fights on YT and in a big bunch of players there were like 5 warriors.

Is my impression wrong?

Pretty sure also that I miss something…seems there was a good warrior tutorial from somebody here but it was erased due to being outdated…


PS: Really like the game! Reminds me of Gothic III somehow, which I liked very much :blush:

Each claas has it’s own flavour! As a guy who really enjoys warrior, rather than refute what you’ve said here I would suggest trying them all out a bit more. There are indeed less warriors, which I am fine with, but also things may change a lot when the talent trees are released!

You´re right about that! My experience is for sure way too low :-/

Meanwhile I also watched @Smithe ´s tutorial, which learned me a more effective way to play the warrior and I can´t wait to try it tomorrow :+1: Much appreciated @Smithe :slight_smile:

Also I found some more “tank footage” that learned me that a warrior plays quite an important role when played in a group! …unfortunately I don´t have enough time atm to play so that a group won´t be interested to play with me :face_with_head_bandage:

Not true. There are plenty of groups that would run with you for whatever amount of time you have to spend in the game. We have an awesome community here.


sounds awesome :smiley:
Now then I have to get my warrior into a usefull shape!
Don´t want to go OT here but what is a good stage to leave the first village for more adventure? Level 5? As a level 2 warrior even the first meters were a challenge :joy:

Also (sorry again) is the mic turned always on in that game or do I have to press a button to speak to others?

Whish I would be a young boy again having hours of time for such a game :hugs: