Add a feature to house decorations

i dont know if there is a form post is would be cool to put our caps in our house like decoration on the wall


As for Delceris request for white capes, I heard World Bosses are a really GREAT way to get lotsa capes to transmog :wink: … (and for once I would like to hear someone yell yeaaaa another cape without sarcasm in his voice :smiley: )

I would like to change the wallpaper the green with flowers is ugly to me.

That was added with the spring event, it will most likely change again once the summer event starts

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I also would like to change the wallpaper though, simple colors would be cool or an option to use our own dyes on them… (which would also boost dye-economy).

I don’t like wallpapers with stuff on it, at all (would you put something like that in your rl house??), neither the winter nor the spring one made me feel cozy in my home :frowning:

We originally looked at adding capes when we added things like mounts, but it wasn’t an easy addition due to the way capes work in the code so I just wanted to acknowledge that we may eventually be able to do so but due to the additional work involved is pretty low on the priority list currently.


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