
Best way to farm dram?.. with stall prices as high as they are, I’m finding I have to smash greens for base weapons then destroy those to sell shards for dram…

This is ok-ish, but is there a better way? I feel that each drop should have like 5-20 dram to help out.

Kill stuff, pray for reagents, and sell them to any of the stall owners.

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Treasure master gives you that. Get some pink weapons :blush:

Be sure to get your quests done, as some can have pretty great dram rewards. That said, the game does need a better way to distribute dram to everyone, instead of just stall owners. For real, one month into owning a stall and I have 150k+, on track for 200k, and that’s with a deliberate effort to undercut many prices.

Sell fishing supples, they drop everywhere and you always get more than you need. Also collect or make 50 of something people want and sell it to them on the forums. Rocks are in demand plus any good dye sells well. Also potions sell really well.

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Heck, if you need stuff, barter. If nobody had ANY dram (basically the case), that’s what you’d do. Base exchange rates on market prices.

Ain’t complaining partner… just generally asking if there are any tips out there.I understand economics.

I have noticed money comes harder in this game than a lot of MMOs… It’s made teleporting and reviving party members tough as reagents are not cheap (for me). However, it hasn’t been a “bad” experience… It’s a slight inconvenience, more than a problem… I guess I’d like to see it a little more friendly, but I don’t think it needs a HUGE adjustment…

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I would agree that reagents could be a little easier to come by. I have to go on a farming spree fairly regularly to keep up with the teleporting from place to place so I can help people. At the same time I don’t want to have to pick up more bags than I do already, I bet rangers feel the same way because they have to put away one of their equipped items to pick stuff up. I’d like to see the possibility of getting 1-3 reagents at a time, especially with the upcoming update. There’s going to be significantly more usage of the resource and less available on the market.
I like to farm the jungle dungeon for dram though, a nice first strike wand with a few arcane explosions clears the place out in about 5 minutes from beginning to end.

The easier it is to get dram, the higher those prices will rise.

Not necessarily, stall owners have been bringing prices down significantly. The continuous undercutting to prioritize their stall over others allowing them to move products quickly as they only have a month to sell as much as they can. Who knows, they may not get one next month.

No that would be inflation… demand-pull inflation is caused when a good becomes desirable and is in limited stock… causing the stall price of the item to rise. Another type is cost-push inflation, and this is when the cost to harvest or produce the good rises, therefore causing the item in the stall to cost more. (since harvesting currently costs little to nothing but time, this shouldn’t change the price much if at all bc the time to produce the item currently is going to remain generally the same).

Demand-pull inflation is a possibility with certain items like hard to get dyes or specialty items that might only be found in shard dungeons. But in the general term of the economics of the game the stall prices should be competitive and on a decreasing slope. Sellers want to move items to make money so prices will be lower eventually.

If dram becomes more available then more people will be able to buy stall items, thus improving the speed ofnthe stall’s sales and growth of economy.

I’m not saying make it where everybody suddenly has 100k in their bag, that’s a depression and that makes the economy tank bc then items would be all bought up and then the demand-pull economy would be in effect (the limited supply and the high demand will then cause prices to rise)

I’m just saying if we could get a bit more dram here and there, then maybe we can save up enough to buy that 3k dye rather than have to spend a week grinding the same dungeon or area over and over just for a dye…

Think of it this way, in real life, if you found a $50 on the sidewalk you’d be happy to spend it on something… and that something you wanna buy isn’t suddenly gunna jump $100 in cost just bc you got a bit more money. The item you want will still remain the same price but the affect on your wallet will be less impactful.

What is the grand idea behind limited market stalls?
How it is better for players than regular broker/auctionhouse?

I like it for a couple reasons. Gives standard trading in game more meaning, to have to buy something in bulk you need to interact with another person.
I also think it’s good for giving people a goal, it’s limited but attainable. As dram becomes easier to come by and the games life is out of its infancy, there will probably be a need for an auction house system as the market stall owners may be able to just get a stall every month if they wanted because they have access to a larger audience to sell their goods.

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