Allow reentering Random Queue Dungeons if you accidentally walk out

Especially for airship, sometimes people walk out by accident. When you are in a Random Queue, sometimes you want to return and can’t. Please give us an option to return to dungeon (or maybe change the exit portals to give you a “Do you want to leave?” confirmation message, but that might upset players that just want to leave.) There is also the issue where you can’t use the exit portal even if you want to, which could be solved if the portals had a pedestal or something that you had to activate, but that might just get some players trapped.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen the tank bring a mob up, the mob does smash and someone dodges into the exit portal on airship.

I’ve had a few people walk out of the dungeon trying to get a view of their role because their view was blocked and they walked a little too far (some of which may have been on purpose, but I know a few of those people that walked out by accident since I do random dungeons queues almost nonstop).

I’ve seen someone dodge into the exit portal because an attack came with the respawn and they dodged instead of just dying and respawning again. (Muscle memory and panic dodge combined can be killer).


Yes I agree there should be something to prevent this I’ve had many times where my controller drift walks me out the dungeon before my screen even loaded the dungeon in very aggravating especially when I hear someone say “oh someone already left” and it’s something I literally can’t control

Yeah, I’ve had this glitch where I get stuck running and can’t stop for a bit. I assume your controller drift is basically similar of an issue except a physical issue.

I would second this, but not even just for airship purposes. I was in a dungeon queue farming shards, and my game timed out right after we killed the second boss. When my game relogged, I was put back into a different dungeon instance so I lost all of my loot :frowning: No shard for me.

Also I keep accidentally walking out of airship during shards, going back in to end up in the sky, and then having to go to grave and wait until my party dies to get back into the dungeon.

Was in a dungeon queue, match made after several minutes… Got kicked out before I finished loading in because I guess I touched the portal or something.

I swear I mentioned this in the opening post… Which hasn’t even been edited?

Also, it taking less work is an assumption. We don’t know which would take less work unless we have access to the code and know how to add each function. You’d be surprised at how easy some ‘complicated’ functions are to add and how hard some ‘basic’ functions are to add to games.

I play on the HTC Vive, and I have left strafe, right snap for locomotion settings. And sometimes when I use the Snap on the right hand, I keep slowly moving forwards or backwards. I still can move with my left controller But when my right one is moving me slowly backwards and I try to walk forwards with the left hand, I dont get full movement speed because the right controller reduces the speed. When I touch the right trackpad, it will reset the movement. Im still not sure what is causing that since I was unable to recreate it on propose. Also there is this thing where u can snap turn while playing Bard (snap right hand), but I’m unable to snap on the right hand when I play Rune mage, witch feels like I’m unable to react or evade/orient myself towards the enemy and there projectiles.
Also … back to the Topic, The game knows how much progress u made inside the dungeon, so it should be possible to make a window appear <80% Clear that will remind you that u are about to leave the Dungeon without completing it. When all main goals are completed, this message will no longer appear. And there are still sometimes some Player invisible, so this might also lead to someone leaving the dungeon before checking if there are 5 players in the party on the menu, assuming that someone already left.

Yes, that would be one way where it could potentially reduce accidental leaves (note that one issue is that on some devices, if you touch a button (including those journal icon tabs), that button activates) while still making it easy to leave when the dungeon is completed.

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