Allow us to set our availability status

I would like a “do not disturb” feature implemented, along with visual representation on friends lists and fellowship roster, to signal to other players we are not currently available. While flagged as this status, party invitations should be suppressed, and a “player is currently busy” status message should be returned to the invitee. Party invites can be terribly distracting when running high level shards or raids.



I know several of us have been asking for something like this.

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Furthermore, it should not be a permanent “do not disturb” in my opinion. it should only be a temporary status, for example you could set do not disturb for 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, etc. However a permanent do not disturb would end up with alot of people forgetting they turned it on.

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That way @Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeshka’s friends list doesn’t have to shrink!


This is an excellent idea Doug

I’m not gonna wanna have to put it on all the time. I think your status should display somewhere obvious that you can’t miss so that then you can toggle it like your discord status.

I can only heart react this once, so I’m commenting to act as another heart.

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What about a setting you can turn on that automatically sets Do Not Disturb while in dungeons or raids? It can turn off automatically when you leave again. That way you don’t have to think about it since those areas are the most complained about. And maybe have a manual setting for other times (such as video production, or you’re already in a group, etc.) that is either reset when logging off, or is on a timer.

Auto or toggled invite suppression would be so good. I don’t know how many times im in a dungeon just yelling “Now’s not the time!” While getting spammed with invites.

This is so good - even if we couldnt have it all, just something that shows me what other people are doing.

could be little icons beside their names in the friends list - little monster head for dungeon/raid, house symbol for in town/playerhouse and something else for out in the overworld.

most of us don’t want to be annoying, but a lot of times you dont get responses from messages and the persons like oh i didnt see it.

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That’s a good idea. This while thing is a good idea. Maybe it can also turn off when you log out. So that if there is a way to make it permanent, logging out disables it.

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I have had several instances when I am in a shared dungeon or raid and I get a party request to help a player with missions. So some sort of ‘not available’ setting would be great. It would save me wasting a charged shot to decline the request and sending a message that I am busy.

Also it would be amazing if we could set custom “default” messages. The typing function is very slow, but I’m always writing pretty much the same thing, so if I could save my own custom messages of “sorry, in a shard right now” and “want to do a shard?”, this would make things easier and less annoying when people reach out during dungeons (or I’m trying to find more people for a group)


Oooh. If we get custom messages im def gonna have one just be Treesus.

Yes a default message would be great as Escarea says. Their today I have had to reject two party request and send a message ‘I am sure m a dungeon, sorry’.

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