Alpha Test Feedback Thread 5/5/17

I enjoyed the difficulty, they just need a better system to practice. Having outlines/stencils of the rune shapes to practice with, in the practice area only would be nice. These rune drawings/templates to practice with wouldn’t be available until after you completed certain quests. I think Chrondar said it the best “Practice does not make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect. If you practice doing something incorrectly then all you do is get really good at doing it wrong.”


I’m sorry to hear that you have physical issues that complicates casting. However, I don’t think things should be tailored to the few. Perhaps other classes will have to be “your class”. It’s like saying I want to be a surgeon really bad, so the AMA should make it easier for me to be one. Not trying to sound mean by saying that. I really do feel for you. I personally can say that the mage will not be my class. Not because I have an inability to cast but I have an inability to think quick enough on my feet to play as a mage effectively.

Sorry to hear about your inability to think on your feet, I still have that. The devs will do as they wish and I will adapt, or just let my kids play instead.

I know your pain man my hands shake as if I’m haveing a seasure all the time. It’s not fun. Personally I think the spell casting should use a combination of voice and drawing that way they can keep the runes simpler with out haveing to turn down the difficulty

What about people with a speech impediment? I think briging in voice is a beyond horrible idea. It would make communication difficult in battle. So many issues with this.

I think I have to agree with smooch on this. Adding voice as a component to spell casting would make communication in raid events (such as the world boss) way more difficult. It’s hard enough to manage a group of 10-20 people without the added hassle of shouting over 5+ runemages screaming “fireball!” every 2 seconds. It’s a neat idea, but I don’t think it’s a solution that will be appropriate for this situation.

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I’m going to go ahead and close this thread and re-direct people who still have feedback to give over to the new one here:

In particular re: the Runemage casting, I think it’s been discussed pretty thoroughly at this point, we’ve read all the feedback, and when we have something to announce about it we’ll be sure to let you know. There’s not a whole lot to be gained by debating hypotheticals about it until then.