"An Unruly Outlier" quest bugged?

I am trying to find the elder what is practicing pagan magic in the south of Wenderwood. The only person I could find was the one near the statues that I had previously been tasked to break. They stand near the green burning tree. They spoke to me at that earlier time once, but now I cannot get them to speak. Am I at the wrong person, or is it bugged that they do not speak with me?

You are at the wrong person, you need to go farther south to the rock formation at teh base of the mountains right behind Wendewood village, the Wise One, has a tent under the rock formation

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Is he supposed to give a quest? He just keeps saying the same thing over to me and my option is only,“Goodbye.” :frowning:

depending on what part of the main story quest your on, he has a quest later during “The Trials” quests.

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Ah ha! Thanks for that. I think somewhere along the line i got lost off of the main story. I’ll have to check back on that tonight to see if i can get back on track.

Okay sounds good your journal will have the Main story quest in it as long as you started the Chef quests, from there its a never breaking line so even if you log off for 5 days you should be able to come back and refrence the journal for the next piece. But if you need some help let me know I can point you in the right direction.

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You can also check your journal quests against the list found here https://wiki.orbusvr.com/Quests to determine which is the main story quest you’re currently on. Assuming that you didn’t miss picking one up and if that’s the case hopefully that list helps you figure out where you’re at and where to pick back up.

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