Just curious - why is this not an option? It would be so much more efficient to have bind stones in various places where you can set your teleport device. They don’t have to be everywhere but some options other than just your house would be nice.
You do have the option of purchasing a new house in a different area of the game if you prefer to teleport to a different location.
I know you can purchase a new house. I am talking about a different issue. You shouldn’t have to buy a new house every time you want to telerport back to that area for a day or a few hours.
We’ll take that suggestion into consideration, but for now your options for quickly getting from place to place are to either buy a new house, take the zeppelin, or use a runemage portal.
I understand. That is why I tossed out the idea. Hopefully there are builds on it such as TP potions that I have seen mentioned before.
The current options, at least to me, are far from satisfactory. I get we are in EA so having three options is nice and you guys have done an amazing job so far. I just am excited and remain hopeful for more options. I love the game and environment but even I am getting tired of running, and running, and running, and running some more.
Wouldn’t taking the zeppelin, or using a runemage portal mean you wouldn’t have to run?
Yes, but it would also mean having to rely on others. My point is it would be nice to have options other than the current ones. I have seen others raise the same issue so I am not the only one with this issue.
While I understand it can be frustrating to have to run back and forth between locations, or having to find a runemage to teleport you, I have had some great interactions with people as we cross paths running to our destinations. Sometimes I run across lower levels that need help with quests, those that would like to inquire about particular mechanics, and, more rarely, some type of player-driven events which end up being funny/interesting to watch or engage in. If I had simply teleported instead of walking these types of social situations would have been more sparse or non-existant. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes running around becomes tedious and boring, but you always have the option of casting portals as a level 1 runemage. In fact, everyone should at least learn the teleport and resurrect spells - they can be invaluable to both you and your fellowship and a wand and a couple reagents take up virtually no inventory space. It’s fun to revive someone right after they die because you just happened to pass by when they got into serious trouble; they won’t hesitate to show their gratitude: it’s a pretty rewarding feeling.
I have to agree with Czech on this one. Adding things like this pushes the community away from interacting as often because players can just go directly where they want to. This will make the world seem more empty, just for your convenience.
There’s a strange pull I have noticed on the forums going back and forth. People want things to be streamlined, but people also want to keep things challenging. It seems like the devs are going to have to tread this fine line for a while and hope they don’t do too much of one or the other.
That’s why I like the idea of faster movement on roads. The there was one string of quests that just had me going back and forth between twins and guild city that really started to get tedious but I don’t want to use reagents too often because they don’t always drop that often.
Well, I have nothing new that hasnt been stated before on this issue, other than to point you in the direction of a dev response on this matter : Please help those of us who are unable to cast portals
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