Beta 6 Patch 2.72

Yes I am positive I turned them in on gold, it was a critter capture quest and a dragon race quest, both which said: gold at the bottom.

Okay were double checking on our end, one more thing do you have a different class that is higher then the one you were turning in on? or just have the one class?

Just turned in a mission that was level 21 while I was level 23, I got 11,440 exp using exp gear with PvP on, should be 13,728 I think, so probably scaling down for each level over the missionā€™s level

cant feed raid pet and wheb show helm character becomes bald or have bold spot nice to have hair show up in beta

Iā€™m just using the one class I made trying to get 1-30 during this beta so all quests I do/turn in are only on him.

after transmogging my lvl 30+1 hammer i cannot see the amount of orbs i have stored up, but can still use them and see them working but not their actual effects. anyway i can get this fixed because while i can do low level easy stuff i cant do any end game tanking andi dont have a spare hammer, and i have already tried removing the transmog to no avail

What did you transmog it into?

i went from the pig hammer to the black hammer back to the pig, after relogging a couple times it started working again

So good new/slightly bad news.
Most of the quests I turn in now at gold do give the 12k xp!!! The only one I noticed that didnā€™t was a dragon race one, said it was gold and still only got the 10k xp.
Just wanted to add, the new feature where there are highlighted boxes around the quests is amazing and super helpful, thank you for that :slight_smile: