Boss Citadel Torch issues

Again showing the same bug as normalmode of the crystal not lighting when it 100% should have.

We constantly had that problem today, and could not finish the boss off. The bug seems random. Sometimes we got really far, other times we just kept wiping.

There were multiple times today that the boss was almost dead, and then the game killed us with this bug. :confused:

We have half the party in the Crystal and jump out when we should (if we jump any later people die from the crystals).

In this video example we had a party of 8 people. And it lights with 4 people NORMALLY. But it just doesnā€™t for us sometimes, like the video showsā€¦


After another like 8 hours of raiding, I was able to get 3 good videos again. The video ā€œSpike failure 2ā€ is the best most obvious example of it not working.

We are unable to beat the boss because of this. There is some underlying bug we can not find out.


Noticing a potential pattern, in #1 the first crystal drops early. In #3 the last crystal drops later.

I assume this shouldnā€™t matter whatsoever but pointing that out.

#2 I jump out but idk the context. I only jump on the end of cast/upon seeing circles if Iā€™m on crystal duty.

Totally improbable but noting. Maybe something to do with stunning while shards are falling / after the cast? Probably not, but idk.

You were not part of the 5 people and you were away on time on video 2.

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Slow down the videos by 0.25x and its alot easier seeing why it makes no sense that the crystals are not lighting.

on the first video it looks like one of the circles is just a tiny tiny bit too far out

Weird Iā€™ve ran this guy a few times and havenā€™t had any issues with the crystal lighting

what we do at the orbus raiders lately is just jump any time even if we dont see it light up :confused:

I also have not get that issue with the crystal drop and take out my stacks

Also noting, a ranger on crystal was very tall and left a non-teleportable area under his feet. Again not sure if that would cause any issues, but just pointing out any oddities.

Thank you for the videos, weā€™re investigating and taking a look at them to see whatā€™s going wrong.

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We pushed out some code fixes to help in the backend, let us know if it looks like the lighting of the crystal is still wonky (and if you can, grab videos of it again.)



Thanks, will do.

Thought Iā€™d mention that weā€™ve recorded multiple times the crystal lights on one personā€™s screen and not another, it still removes stacks for everyone though. Not sure if that helps. Weā€™ve also had an invisible crystal that lit and still removed stacks so that was interesting.


We experienced the visual fire of the torch glitch very often. Luckily the fact that the torch stays around is enough indication that it is on fire. So that was not the problem. The problem was when the torch went gone after trying to light it like on the video.

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Yes, this is a very common issue.

And the opposite happens on occasion as well, the torch appears to light ā€¦ and does not actually do anything.

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