Every time I have tried doing Alchemy using both hands to hold ingredients the result has equaled a ruined potion. Even simple potions such as healing potions go wrong most of the time if you try adding the mushroom and queen’s ear one in each hand during the second stage.
At first I thought this was because the ingredients were being added too quickly and one wasn’t being registered, however this ended up not being the case when even waiting several seconds before adding the other ingredient still fails.
Also to note sometimes if you add the right hand ingredient first the left hand ingredient will become stuck to your hand and you have to insert your entire hand Into The Cauldron to add the ingredient which will then usually ruin the potion.
That’s really odd. I’ve only used both hands to make a potion once, but it was adding the same ingredient twice. Are you making sure the ingredients are being added in the correct order? Even if they’re in the same step, they have to be added in the exact order they appear in the text.
Yes, in the case of healing potions I have the mushroom in the right hand and the Queen’s ear in the left hand. The right hand drops a mushroom in followed by two seconds later the left-hand Queens here goes in. Half the time the queens ear simply stays stuck to my hand like glue.
I’ve noticed that two hand interaction send to be limited/non functional. For example, if you try to type on the virtual keyboard with both hands in pointer finger mode, only the one you pointed with first will work. The other will pass through with no effect until you release the first hand.
I simply assumed there was no two handed functionality, never tried it with potions because of that.
One thing I have noticed when testing is that I can get the item (the herb) to stick to my hand most times by grabbing it with my right and “passing” it to my left hand which then gets it stuck to my left hand. Ive never had it get stuck by grabbing it with my right or left and not “passing” it between hands. We are tracking the issue that I just posted, but if this isnt what is happening let me know and well add it to our tracking
So I made 10 healing potions just now to try and recreate the issue. Strangely all 10 made correctly which leads me to believe it may have simply been a latency issue during the Events yesterday (which was when this problem happened the most). The herbs still get stuck to my hands but if added to the cauldron by force it works correctly this time. If potions start being problematic again I will take a video of it to be sure.
i used both hands to make a potion only once, this was Tinny’s potion. the mushroom ended up getting stuck in my left hand and i couldn’t add it to the pot. ended up making a ruined brew but it’s fine since the quest accepted it just fine. only used one hand from then on out.
I’ve run into a variation of this bug when attempting to craft Tinny’s potion on my alchemy crafting table. I picked up a reedflute with my right hand, then another reedflute with my left hand. I stepped over to the pot and released the one in my right hand, but it didn’t drop. Instead it became embedded in my hand. I was able to pick up other items with the bugged hand, but the reedflute always remained held in my hand until I logged out. I picked up two Queen’s Ears and they bugged my hand in a similar fashion.
Instead of throwing the ingredient in, just dip your whole hand in the cauldron and that will get rid of whatever is on your hand. I only use 2 hands when making potions.
Yah, I noticed this bug activates if you use both hands and try dropping or tossing things in the cauldron instead of dipping your hands.dropped items from one hand won’t register, but will appear to drop in the cauldron.
I always dip my hands in to avoid this. Seems risky when it’s red hot, but you got to have that potion