Cant find the new Quest givers

As the title states.

I have been all around the frosted spit and cant find Ludwig Sarrow

Any info would be appreciated

Someone else just posted this, Ludwig Sarrow should be at the Frosted Spit town of Fishermans crust right next to the graveyard. Ill jump in game and confirm he is there and post a reply when I confirm Ive seen him.

Just checked on him, it looks like his name didnt get updated so its not appearing above his head (will get this fixed in next patch) but he is there at the graveyard in the Frosted spit town of Fishermans crust.

I found him, (the one in your screenshot) but he has no diamond above his head and I cant interact with him in any way

They are meant to be fillers for the Act 3 quests for now so some of them are locked behind the “Faction Hero” quest line, do you have that completed from Markos?

ahh, I thought I had, but I’m in the middle of doing the odd quests for the different factions, explorers, brotherhood, etc. so I must have to finish those first,… thanks

OK that’s the problem for me also never finished some of those


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