im a righty so i can’t turn when equipped with a wand, it would be one thing not to be able to turn while casting completely appropriate but having to put the wand away to turn to face the enemy is a little annoying
You can still rotate with your left hand, unless the have the strafing enabled.
yeah but you should be able to rotate with your right hand there is nothing that should prevent you from doing so while holding a wand.
There was some reasoning behind this that Riley had. That being said, it’s still Early Access, so that could change.
i mean it makes sense not to be able to rotate WHILE casting but to not be able to rotate at all seems a bit silly
lore wise and mechanically like it’s one thing if a mage is focusing on the spell they are casting clearly they don’t have much time to focus on anything else but if your running away from a mob and can’t rotate it becomes an extremely poor design.
I believe all of the classes are plagued by this. I think it’s : Warrior, shield hand. Ranger, arrow hand. Musketeer, gun hand. I could be wrong though.
but most classes have the option of switching hands without basically having to relearn all the moves where mages are really determined by right handed or left handed and again there really isn’t a reason to not be able to turn when holding a wand because you can still turn holding a shield in your off hand while fighting.
I first started playing as a ranger and had it set up to movement left / rotation right; and never had an issue. You equip a wand, and you can’t rotate with the right anymore. I don’t recall having an issue rotating or moving with any other class. It seems to just be a runemage thing.
I know the right (or wand hand) track pad is used to activate the spell, but I’m pretty sure it needs a full push and not just moving your thumb over it.
I’d like to have this feature to rotate about as a rune mage, but I’ve gotten pretty used to just moving with the left track pad only.
I’ve just got mine set to where I can use both. Not really a hassle.
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