Customizable Fellowship Hall

In a post Rem had mentioned a customizable fellowship hall idea where you could buy pre made rooms and furniture to have unique halls would be such a great idea. This would be a great way to dump loads of dram out or more unique overworld drops.

Even if the upgrades were all the same and you could only buy them after reaching a certain rank. This would still be a great idea. Could even translate to the player house as well, allow a customizable room like a bed room.

I also like the idea of an arena for 1v1s and 2v2s in the hall and that could be for in fellowship training but there could be another arena in highsteppe to do this with other players outside of your fellowship.


They could add banners first as a decorative item.

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Thanks D, I felt this got over looked in the wave of other discussion. It would be a fun way to help people learn pvp as well before entering bgs.

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